Chapter Seven: Kiss Me Like You Wanna Be Loved

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They took their places on stage when it was time for All Time Low to go on.
Their openers while the crowd waited were Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran, followed by Teenagers by My Chemical Romance.
They started with Last Young Renegade, and when it was finished, Alex pushed his guitar a little to the side and grabbed the mic, "ALBANY! How the fuck are you tonight?!" He asked, grinning at their scream, "Good, good. We're All Time Low, and we're fuckin stoked to be here with you guys, but first and foremost, let's give it up for The Wrecks!" He raised his arms while the crowd screamed, "Waterparks!" Another scream, "And last but certainly not least, SWMRS!" Followed by another loud scream from the crowd.
He smiled, "You guys are fucking incredible."
They jumped into Backseat Serenade, Damned, followed by some banter between Alex and Jack, Runaways, Guts, more banter, Backseat Serenade, Dirty Laundry, some more banter, Nice2KnoU, Missing You, banter, Cinderblock Garden, "Here's an old one for ya" Alex smiled and got into Vegas, then Something's Gotta Give, Therapy, Weightless, Life Of The Party, with a whole lot of banter in between, making Alex nervous, wondering if it was a good idea to kiss Jack like that on stage.

Until after Life Of The Party. He walked over to Jack, with a sinking feeling in his gut of both nervousness and eagerness. He just had to do it.
He pushed his guitar behind him, pushing Jack's away too, grabbed him by the waist, leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips, and it wasn't a silly one like they normally did, this one was intense. They parted their lips for just a second, Jack tangling his fingers through Alex's hair.
They nearly forgot they were on stage for a second before Alex pulled back with a small smile, "I love you." He said just loud enough for the mic in his hand to pick it up quietly, pretty much ignoring the entire crowd having a stroke.
Jack just stared for a second, same with Rian and Zack, "I love you too" He responded, smiling and kissing Alex again.
Alex just blushed a little and went back to his spot.

"Sorry about that guys. Just had to kiss my boyfriend. He's cute, huh?" He smirked, watching them all rage into a heart attack mixed with a stroke again.
"Oh come on, you guys knew. Jalex didn't come out of nowhere." He laughed.
Jack grabbed his mic and laughed, "So much for Jalex being our little secret."
Alex shrugged, "Was it ever really a secret though, Jack?" He asked.
"Based on what's all over your neck, I'd assume the answer is no." Zack chimed in with a devious little smile.
Alex rolled his eyes, "At least I'm getting laid." He shrugged.
"Alright guys, we got a few more songs for you tonight, we love you so much." Alex said with a smile as they started up Lost In Stereo, where after, Jack was putting the bras on stage over his head, playing Time Bomb while wearing them around his neck, while they all pulled about 15 fans on stage to sing it with them. After that was done, they did Good Times and Alex announced that was their last song, but made a joke, "This is the last song, but then you guys are gonna scream 'one more song' and we're gonna act like we're really done, but then we're gonna come back up here and play some more songs anyway because we love you." He smirked and walked off stage with the guys.

"What the hell was that?" Rian asked.
Alex shrugged, "I wanted to kiss Jack."
"I liked it." Jack smiled.
Alex laughed, "I know you did."
"Well damn, a little warning might've helped, now I have to explain you guys during interviews." Rian rolled his eyes.
"Just say we have dirty hot sex all the time, and unlike my ex wife, I can't get Jack pregnant." Alex grinned, then got their cue to go back on when the crowd chanted one more song enough times.
They enthusiastically popped back on, guitars and what not all ready, playing Kids In The Dark, then Jack complained that he was craving chicken tenders all night, looking at Alex, "Hey you asshole, take me to get chicken tenders after this."
Alex laughed, "In your dreams pretty boy. You're gonna be the one buying me chicken tenders."
Jack glared, "Well fuck, I'll pay! Just get me chicken tenders! You want this," He gestured around his body, "You gotta pay me in chicken tenders."
Alex shook his head, "Fine, you chicken tender whore. Let's play the kids some more music before they have another fucking stroke, and then I'll take you on a chicken tenders date."
Jack just grinned, watching the crowd have yet again, another stroke.
"Alright, all stupid jokes aside, and Jack's stupid cravings aside, we got two more songs for you."
They did Kids In The Dark, then finally, Dear Maria.
"Thank you so so much for coming out! We are All Time Low, we love you and we'll see you again real soon." Alex grinned, then took a bow, grabbed his water bottle, then did that whole thing where he sprays water up into the air. He threw his water bottle out in the crowd, grabbed a setlist, rolled it up and threw that out, while Jack and Zack did the same, and Rian chucked drumsticks out into the crowd.

Off stage, Alex let out a breath, getting a towel for himself and a new water bottle, dumping water on it and wiping is face, leaning against a wall to catch his breath, eyes closed.
Jack wiped his face down with a towel, walked over to Alex and put both hands on the wall, trapping Alex there in between his arms.
Alex smirked, "What are you doing?"
Jack leaned in and kissed him, not caring that literally everyone was watching, because everyone had been watching on stage too, and he was quite certain that literally everyone had pictures, and some of those kids in the crowd had damn good cameras with them, with incredible photography skills.
If not that, then a photographer side stage took a professional looking one. So. The world was about to know, and that was okay. So fuck it.
"I'm kissing you." He said quietly, kissing him again, his cheeks, down his neck again.
"Isn't my neck battered enough?" Alex bit his lip.
Jack shook his head, "No." He didn't leave any hickeys this time, he just ran his tongue gently over Alex's neck, nipping the skin here and there, breathing down his neck, which made Alex get chills and goosebumps all over his body, "Fuck me. God damn it Jack" He muttered, not literally meaning 'fuck me' as in he wants Jack to fuck him, although that was true, he just meant it as the complaining term, like when something bad happens and you just go 'Oh fuck me'.
Jack smirked, "I can arrange that."
Alex rolled his eyes, but right as he was about to talk back, Jack planted his lips on his again, not waiting for Alex to even part his lips, he just made his way in, putting a hand on the back of Alex's neck, pulling him close, his other hand on Alex's ass, sliding into his back pocket.

Rian, Zack and the majority of their crew just stood there with weirded out expressions. It wasn't because Jack and Alex were together, it was the fact that they were shamelessly just getting ready to fuck each other anywhere and everywhere. It would take some getting used to, especially considering that Jack the manwhore himself didn't even act that way with the women he slept with, and Alex NEVER ever even so much as came close to anything like this with Taylor.
"Yo can you guys maybe get the fuck out of the way?" Danny laughed, "We have to get this shit all taken care of you know."
Jack pulled back, "Fuck you Danny. You know how long I've been waiting for this?"
Danny shrugged, "No, not really. I just know you two liked to fuck, and then you didn't fuck, and now you're together and fucking like...daily."
Alex smiled, "We have quite a few years to make up for, Kurily. However! I promised this man a chicken tenders date." He took Jack's hand and led them out of the venue.
Jack laughed, "I wasn't serious about chicken tenders" He held Alex's hand as they walked out of the venue grounds anyway.
"Yeah well you made me hungry, and I need to fuel up before you destroy me tonight." He grinned.
"You are one freaky little dude, Alex."
"It's part of my charm."
"Indeed it is."

They walked a couple streets down to a Jack In The Box they passed, and naturally, outside they found some random fans, about ten of them outside.
"Oh my god Alex! Jack!" They squealed.
Alex smiled, "Hey."
Jack gave them hugs, which Alex followed in doing.
"Sorry we're so sweaty and gross." Jack laughed.
"So you guys are actually together?!" One of them asked enthusiastically.
Jack took Alex's hand again, "Yep. We are."
Alex smiled, feeling a little shy now that they were saying it to fans in a more casual setting.
"Well we don't need anymore convincing, look at Alex's neck." One smirked.
Jack laughed, "Yeeeahhh...I definitely did that."
"It was great though." Alex smirked.
Then of course, they talked about other things, like the show and when they'd hopefully be back.
"We talked about it a while ago, and we really wanna work on some new music, so without giving too much away to you guys, we're gonna take a little time off after this tour, but we'll be back to touring soon, I promise." Alex smiled.
The girls left them alone after having them sign things and take pictures, and Alex was thankful that this group was really respectful. There were a lot of times when fans would just go wild, and that sparked some anxiety in him.
Alex took Jack inside and ordered their food, then found a table towards the back to sit at and ate.
"Thank for the tendies." Jack smiled, taking a drink of his soda.
"Anytime, boo." Alex took a bite of one of his tacos that really weren't tacos at all, but he loved them anyway, then finished that off and started eating his chicken tenders.

They took their time eating.
"So it wasn't as bad of a show that you thought it was gonna be huh?" Jack asked, taking another bite of his food.
Alex nodded, "I don't know why I was so freaked out. Remnants of last night I guess. It's hard feeling like you screw everything up all the time, hard feeling like if you freak out you can't handle it by yourself, so people have to babysit you and make sure you don't do something stupid. Which I get, I have a really long history of doing stupid shit when I get all manic like that, but it's not a good feeling once I'm snapped out of it. I just, I'm angry with myself all the time. I wish that I wasn't, but it's just something that I am...I just can't really stop being angry. I'm angry at myself all the time. I always sit here and wonder what I could've done different along the way. I mean I'm really, really happy with where I am now, with Mason, you, the band...All that. I just also don't like so much about myself. It's so hard to explain because I do like my life, a lot. I really do...I just wish sometimes that me and my fuck ups could stay out of the equation and I could just sit back and watch all of the happiness around me, like I could just erase everything bad about me." He stared down at the table.
"Alex look at me please." Jack said quietly.

Alex looked up, he wasn't crying or anything, and not really lost in thought either, he just wasn't planning on divulging in his deepest, darkest feelings.
"Mistakes, and things we wish we could do differently are all a part of what makes us who we are. You can't change who you are in your core. You are who you are, and yeah, you can change small things, but you can't change everything that makes you yourself, and I wouldn't want you to. Honestly, without you, we'd have shitty music with no meaning. You give the music that you make so much life, and meaning behind it. I mean otherwise, who the hell would you be? Some asshole who knows how to sing and writes shit like Stacy's Mom? Not to knock the band, but that song is worth shit, and without you, and every memory and story you have, this band would truly be nothing. You do that. That's not a fuck up. And that's just one example, but I'm not gonna sit here and tell you all of them, because you already know. I don't expect you to feel better about yourself either, because self esteem doesn't just boost in a second. Just trust though, that you are so much more incredible than you think of yourself. Look at how many people look up to you, those who don't know you but look up to you based on the relatable music you make, and those who do know you, who know how incredible of a person you are. You, by no means, are insignificant. Please believe me when I say that much."
Alex nodded with a small smile on his face, "Thank you."

"Come on, let's get out of here. We're sort of changing our plans for tonight." Jack texted someone, then stood up, while Alex looked at him confused. Jack took their trash to the bin and held his hand out.
Alex took it and stood up, following him.
Jack got them an uber, making Alex even more confused, but he didn't question it. He just wanted to know what Jack was up to.
Once their uber got there, they got in and Jack discreetly told the driver where to go.

Alex just looked at Jack the whole time, not really paying much attention to what was happening.
Their uber stopped outside of a really nice looking hotel.
Jack got out and opened Alex's door. He took Alex's hands and pulled him out of the uber, held his hand and led him into the lobby.
He asked for a room for two, with one bed. Usually that was hard to do last minute, but money being no issue here, Jack paid the amount that would secure him such a last minute room.
He got their key and headed to the room, Alex in tow, still speechless, wondering what the hell was happening.

Jack unlocked their door, got in and looked at Alex, "Go onto the balcony for a few, I'll be out there in just a minute."
Alex gave him a weird look, "Oh...Kay?" He did what he was told, and it was actually quite nice, being able to look across the town from where he was standing, then looking up at the clear night. He lost track of time, realizing that when Jack came out with two glasses of champagne.
"Where'd you get that?" Alex asked, taking his glass, taking a sip and smiling.
"I love you." Jack leaned over and kissed his cheek, putting an arm around Alex's waist.
"I love you too." That was really all that needed to be said.

They finished their glasses and Jack led them inside. He handed Alex a robe, "Put it on." He stripped his own clothes and put his on. Alex nodded and copied Jack.
"Okay, nice robes...Now what?" Alex tilted his head, wondering what the hell this man was doing.
"Just come on." Jack took Alex's hand and led him into the very nice bathroom. There was the bucket of ice with champagne on it, and candles on the side of a filled with bubbles tub.
Alex nearly teared up, "Jack...what is all this?" He looked up at him.
Jack smiled, pouring two more glasses and played a song that Alex loved, Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran, "It's us getting to be romantic with each other." He untied Alex's robe, then his own. He stepped in first, then gestured for Alex to get into the tub that honestly could fit one more person. It was no joke when the hotel seemed really nice. It was exquisite. He wondered how long Jack had planned this, or if it truly was just a spur of the moment thing, because it sort of seemed like both.
Alex stepped in carefully to not knock any of the candles down. He sat down in front of Jack, in between his legs. He rested against Jack's chest, his head just below Jack's chin.
Jack kissed the top of his head and handed him his glass of champagne, "Close your eyes. Just relax."
Alex did exactly that, sipping his champagne, just finally letting things go. Jack was right, he did need something like this.
They laid there in silence, apart from the sounds of putting their glasses down on the edge of the tub.

Jack kissed the top of Alex's head once more after soaking for a good thirty minutes, "Come on love." He nudged Alex, who was just enjoying life right now.
Still, he listened and got up, stepping out of the tub and getting a towel around his waist.
Jack blew out the candles and got up, wrapping a towel around his waist as well.
He took Alex's hand and walked him back into the room. He dried himself off, with Alex following suit.
He dropped the towel and got into their king size bed under the covers, holding them up for Alex.
Alex smiled and got in next to him.

(A/N: Smut happens here.)

Jack put his arm under Alex's head, then used his other hand to guide Alex's towards his.
He leaned down and met Alex's lips, very softly, and gently. Like he wasn't looking to just play tonsil hockey, but like he just wanted to kiss his boyfriend and make him feel so loved and so special.
Alex returned the sweet kiss, parting his lips to let Jack in, and there was no roughness, no need to get this done hard and fast. There was peace, and love, and romance. Alex hadn't realized how long it was since he'd had sex like this. He knew it wasn't for a long, long time. He missed this.
He put his hands on Jack's waist when Jack moved to hover over him a bit, deepening their kiss, but not speeding up the pace, and honestly, Alex got more turned on by that than anything else.
"I love you" Alex whispered once they stopped for a moment, looking up at his lover.
Jack leaned down and pressed a kiss to Alex's jaw, his favorite place to kiss Alex, because it always gave him goosebumps when he did, "I love you too."

Jack leaned back down and started kissing him again, that same soft, sweet makeout, although it was getting deeper and more intense, they were still taking it slow.
Alex couldn't help himself as this went on. He reached up and started stroking Jack's member, and Jack smiled into their kiss.
"I want you" Alex whispered to him, looking at Jack with nothing but sheer love in his eyes, mixed with some lust of course, but love was the main feeling here tonight.
Jack bit Alex's bottom lip just a tiny bit, just a little graze, "I want you more."
"So come get me." Alex stared up at him.
He looked over while Jack reached his arm out from under the blanket to grab something that Alex hadn't even noticed, a condom and a small bottle of lube.
He hardened more when he saw it.
Jack unwrapped the condom and put it on himself, then put a little lube on his fingers.
He leaned back down and pressed kisses against Alex's neck and chest while he put one finger in to start off, smiling when Alex jumped just the tiniest bit, and after a moment, he put a second finger in, where Alex closed his eyes and arched his body up more, asking silently for Jack to do more. Jack put a third finger in and moved them around, stretching him and making him moan softly.
After a moment of Alex just continuously arching his back trying to get more, Jack centered himself and started off with just the tip, smiling a tiny bit when Alex kept arching his back. He went in completely and started thrusting slowly, which had Alex whimpering just a bit, hands over his head, clenching the pillow behind him.
Jack picked up his pace just a tiny bit, making Alex moan his name, and not in a pornstar-y way, but in the most romantic tone you could imagine, taking a cue from some shitty romance movie.
"More" He whispered.
Jack did what he was asked and pushed himself deeper and a bit faster, getting even more turned on when Alex bucked his hips against him and his moans grew louder, "God...Jack I love you...So so much" He said in between breaths.
Jack leaned down, not slowing his pace at all, and pressed a kiss to Alex's lips, resuming their make out session earlier.
Alex laced his hands through Jack's hair for a moment, then slid his hands down and put them on Jack's waist, pulling at them, begging him for more.
He felt Jack go harder and faster, thus his moans picked up more and more, becoming harder and shakier, feeling himself tremble "Yes...Right there...Fuck...Jack" Alex moaned out his name, telling him right where to keep hitting, and Jack did, "I'm...I'm close Jack" He moaned out, so Jack, while still thrusting himself hard and fast, took Alex's cock in his hand and stroked him, "More" Alex moaned out, making Jack stroke him faster, and in turn, Jack thrusted harder and faster, about to cum himself.
"Fuck Alex....Alex..." He moaned out as Alex orgasmed, which made him do the same, both of them letting out long moans of their own.

(A/N: Smut ends here.)

Jack got off of Alex, took the condom off, tied and and tossed it in the trash next to their bed. He watched Alex grab his towel off the floor and clean himself up.
Alex dropped the towel and rolled over onto his side, head propped up by his elbow.
He traced circles on Jack's chest with his index finger, watching his finger moving up and down Jack's chest, to his stomach, then back up again. He looked up at Jack and smiled at him, "I love you." He'd been saying that a lot tonight, but god he meant it.
"I love you." Jack responded with a tired smile.
Alex laid his head on Jack's chest and closed his eyes, just enjoying the moment.
"I needed this." He whispered.
Jack kissed his head, "I did too."
Alex looked up at Jack again, "Kiss me"
Jack leaned down a bit and pressed a few soft kisses to Alex's lips before putting his arm under Alex's head, while Alex rested his cheek back on Jack's chest and closing his eyes, putting one arm over Jack's torso, feeling so incredibly loved and comfortable. He'd been so sick of sleeping alone, until now, when Jack was finally his again.
"Goodnight" Alex whispered.
"Goodnight, Lexy." Jack whispered back, closing his eyes. 

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