Chapter Ten: You're Gonna Be Fine

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The show did not go well. However, it could've been worse, and Alex did explain that he's sick and that he apologized for everyone he touched at the meet and greet. He promised he was going to try to get through it. Halfway through the show, while singing Vegas, he felt so dizzy that he was blacking out a little. He swayed a little, grabbing his mic stand instead of playing his guitar. Zack looked over at him, then at Jack. A crew member came over and took Alex backstage. 
He sat Alex down on a chair and gave him water, "You can't be jumping around like that right now dude. If you're sick, you gotta be careful." He knew Alex wasn't going to listen though. Alex was a performer, and he didn't stop for anything. He'd probably drop dead on a stage one day when he's like. 90.

Alex sat on that chair with his head tilted back, a cold towel on his forehead, getting water poured into his mouth. 
Zack peeked over and looked at Jack, "He's like passing out or something." He said into the mic, soloing on his bass a little.
Jack spoke into the mic, "So who knows our lyrics and can sing? We might need a new lead singer by the end of the night." He joked, and people screamed.
"We can cover a song." Jack suggested.
Zack shrugged and kept soloing, keeping a lookout backstage.
Jack struggled to find a way to keep the crowd entertained, "Well Alex is probably dying and this is the last All Time Low show ever. I said this years ago, last time he blacked out on stage. He'll probably be back though. The dude has like nine lives like a cat. Or a cockroach who never dies." He shrugged, making the crowd laugh. He didn't like making jokes at Alex's expense, but that was how they've operated for years. It wasn't personal. They both knew that, and to be honest it was pretty damn fun. A nice way to pick on each other without being flat out dicks.

"I have to get back up there." Alex said, taking the towel off his head, but he did wet it again with cold water and draped it over his neck. He put his in ears back in and got up, still swaying a little bit, but they knew that he'd argue, so they just gave his guitar back. 
He walked back on stage and grabbed the mic stand again, "Sorry about that! I blacked out and this all seems very familiar from a situation literally years ago." He laughed, and the crowd screamed.
"Jack, you are right by the way, I am like a cockroach. I'll survive a nuclear bomb. Fuck you." He laughed.
Jack smiled, "I'll just be hiding in an underground bunker hoping that I don't die." 
"Don't worry, I'll be the cockroach in the bunker with you. Anyway!" He turned to look at Rian, so Jack and Zack looked too, "What part were we on?" He asked.
Once he was told, they picked it right back up from there and finished off Vegas, and this time Alex did stay more still than usual, sticking close to his mic and focusing more on playing than being wild. He'd leave that to Jack and Zack.

They finished the show with Alex only swaying a handful more times, and when he did, he gripped his mic stand and closed his eyes, keeping his focus on staying up and only up.
At the end however, it caught up to him. He took his guitar off and handed it to his tech, then was down, almost to the side stage, but not at all. His eyes rolled back, his knees gave out and buckled, he was out, landing face down on the hard ground.
"Holy shit, Alex!" Jack yelled, kneeling down next to him, shoving his guitar behind his back. He knew better than to move someone who fell like that. A tech pulled one end of Jack's guitar strap off and took it off of him that way.
"The medic is coming. Medic says turn his head to the side in case he throws up, he's not face down in it." Brian said after he radioed them, telling them what happened and removing Alex's in ears and his pack for it from his belt.
Zack took his bass of and knelt down and turned Alex's head to the side.
The crowd was pretty much silent, some people were even crying, which to be fair, that was an expected response. Not only did someone pass out right in front of them and land face down, but it was someone they idolized. 
It didn't take long before the medics came with a stretcher and safely rolled Alex over and checked him out, made sure his breathing was good and what not. They put a neck brace on him to protect his cervical spine, since he'd landed face down which could've injured his neck.
They loaded him up on the stretcher and looked at whoever would be going with him, "I'm going." Jack said, getting up and following the stretcher out.

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