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Hey everyone!

Just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to dramagirl818 for designing my new cover!

If any of you guys need covers designed you should go to her, she responded right away and even though I didn't give her very much information, she made a cover that goes along perfectly with the story!

Comment and Vote and I'll check out your stories and do the same!



The next evening I awaken with a start as the memories of the vision I had had during my sleep return to me. Images of my daughter and husband flash before my eyes and I clamp them shut to send the memories away.

I wonder briefly what brought these visions on, and then remember that my plan is going to be put into action tomorrow night. Hopefully I will be with my husband and little girl soon. And if not, if there is no after life for vampires and whatever sort of mix breed that I am, then I can still die contented knowing that I've righted at least three wrongs in this world.

I am still deep in thought when Daciana suggests that we leave and I follow her solemnly out of the abandoned basement. My family was my everything and even though I try not to make it obvious that I am hurting, I fear that some sadness leaked through.

We get into our cars and drive away from the building and the alley and Daciana's all but forgotten meal. I choose the scenic route home, even though Daciana speeds through the city, because I'm still feeling contemplative, and not quite sure I'm ready to talk to anyone yet.

My legs are stiff so I pull the car over in the forest and get out to stretch my legs. I see a small nature made path and follow it. I breathe in the cool December air and listen to the crunch of snow under my boots. I do not get cold so I continue on until I reach a small stream, still babbling in despite the cold, I crouch down and lay a finger in the water and marvel at the sensation.

I hear a rustle in the leaves behind me and I whirl around.

It's a little girl, not yet five years old. She has ratty blonde hair and a torn dress, one hand clutches a faded blanket for dear life and the other has a prime spot bringing her thumb to her mouth.

"Eleanor?" I ask excitedly. Even though I know it's not her. She looks me over carefully as if trying to figure out whether or not to trust me. I flash her a warm smile and pray to God that my fangs don't come out. I venture a little closer and ask, "What's your name, dear?"

"Vewa." She mumbled, I deciphered that she most likely had some sort of speech problems and she meant 'Vera.'

"Are you lost, Vera?" I asked using a gentle tone. The closer I got, the more I realized that this little girl did not look like my daughter. She was malnourished and her ribs were visible through the thin piece of cloth she was clothed in.

She nodded her head.

"Where do you live?" I asked her, close enough to touch her now.

"I don' know!" She wailed and put her head on my shoulder sobbing. I pat her on the back and scoop her into my arms. Even with my added vampire strength she is light. I carry her back to the car and strap her in the back.

"We're going to get help." I explain. "Just sit still."

I turn the car on and prepare to leave when a branch smacks the front of my car.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" The man screamed, hitting the car again. I assumed that he was Vera's father as they looked so much alike, down to the protruding ribs and everything. I turn the car off and step out.

"We were just going to come look for you." I explain calmly.

"You get her out of that car, d'you hear me?" He raged. He was obviously drunk and I knew right away that it would not be safe to leave Vera with him.

"Is your wife around? I'd like to talk to her." I ask and put myself between him and Vera. He laughs and spit on the ground,

"Her? She done run off weeks ago." He licks his teeth. "But I taked care o' her." He laughs again. "Yep, don't you worry none about her. Now you better give me back my daughter!"

I open the car door and pretend to get Vera out,

"Vera is this man your father?" I ask. She nods her head and starts to cry. She lifts her dress up and I see long red scars across her stomach. "Did he do this to you?" I ask and she nods again.

In that instant she wasn't Vera anymore, she was Eleanor, my poor baby daughter. I close the door to the car and lunge for the man that would do that to a child.

I drag him away so that Vera won't have to watch me kill him. As I plunge my fangs deep into his neckIi think again of my baby and feel no remorse. The alcohol in his blood makes it bitter, but I continue until I have sucked him dry.

When I return to the car Vera is crying again. I wrap her in a hug,

"You're going to come home with me, okay?" She sniffs in response. "I'll get you a bath and some food. Everything's going to be alright now." Her tears stop and I return to the front seat and drive out of the forest and back onto the main road.

I drive straight home after a quick trip through a local grocery store, and without ever wondering what my housemates would think I bring Vera in. I sit her down and give her a glass of water and some cheese. She scarfs the cheese down and asks for more. I give her a piece of bread, but I don't want to upset her stomach so I insist that she be done.

Then I lead her to the bathroom where she has a nice long bath and when she is finished the water is a murky brown. I dress her in a plain, black v-neck of mine, as I have no need for casual clothes. By the time I take her to my room and lay her down on the layers of pillows and blankets she is exhausted and falls asleep without a word.

I watch her as she sleeps and think that for this moment I have my daughter back.

I turn from her and sit down at my laptop which I have foolishly left out. I check my email. The delivery is tomorrow.

Most important is the story that is contained with the email. A story very similar to mine. Could it be that one of my descendants is going to be a key part in the demise of myself my closest friend and Dracula?

And then it dawns on me, we are really going to die tomorrow.

What about Vera?

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