Chapter 3: Your daddy's who now?!

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Ruben's Pov:

I did not expect her to take out a gun. But Damn did she look sexy with that gun.

"What the heck Ruben?! Why would you scare me like that?" She yelled still holding her gun, just beside her now.

"Why do you have a gun? That gun is too small to protect you from the bazuca that I got in my pants babe." I winked at her.

She just scoffed and tried to make her way out. I didn't let her past me and I locked that door. Yeah. She was not going anywhere! She noticed that she couldn't break free and her big beautiful hazel eyes widened a bit before she turned to look at me and glare. Damn she looked scary and sexy at the same time. I was so turned on right now. So I did what my tiger asked, and I leaned toward her and smirked when she didn't move away, but leaned in too.

Just like always someone comes in to ruin that cliche moment.

Roxanne's Pov:

Did that really just happen? I was about to kiss Ruben! Thankfully Sergio busted open the door.

Ruben moved away from me faster than lighting! Ha! I knew he was scared of Sergio. Sergio was glaring at Ruben and then looked a little shocked to see me and then his face had even more shock when he saw that I had my gun out, so he immediately got in the closet, locked the door and took out his gun.

"Roxy what's wrong? Do I have to pop this guy or would you like the honors? Has he hurt you? Why do you have your gun out? Does he know?" Sergio said it all so fast and had the gun pointing directly at Rubens temple.

"What?! Look calm your self down. The idiot just scared me and I by instinct took out my gun. No he did not hurt me, if he tried, I would have already popped a cap in this biatches head okay? Geez just calm down." For some odd reason, I didn't want Sergio to hurt him at all. I felt this sudden need to just protect him.

"Wait, what is it that I should or should not know?" Ruben asked with the sexiest look of confusion on his face.

Just then I get a call. It's from my dad.(Roxanne-R and her dad- Bd)

R- Hey what's up.

Bd- is Sergio there?

R- Yeah. Why?

Bd- Just put it on speaker

I do what my father says and I put it on speaker with Ruben in the room

Bd- Sergio I need you and Mija to go and collect the money from our rival gang that they have stored up in their house. Just ask for a vato named Ruben. He'll hook you up with the money and you got to give him the pot and new imports from Cuba. They'll be expecting you guys so don't worry about the whole introduction Shit.

R- okay, is that it dad?

Bd- no I need you to bring me Ruben. He is the son of Pablo and right now Pablo and I are on good grounds so he wants his son to work with us as a sign of peace. I doubt that those are his motives so if you ever need to you know take him out. Just do it and I'll clean up the mess. Anyway, have you found a lover to take over the business with?

R- Dad! We said that we would talk about that later! You know what just bye dad.

Ruben looked at me with such a shocked face that you could tell he didn't know anything and that he wasn't supposed to know.

" You are the important family member of the boss that's coming to collect the money?!" Ruben practically yelled.

"Okay lo-" I didn't even get to finish what I was saying because I got cut off.

"So what if her dad's the biggest cartel dealer in the world and happens to own almost all the gangs in the US. Got a problem?" Sergio asked also raising his voice.

Oh no. Sergio is pissed, but I don't get it, like it's not that much to get that mad over. Ruben did look a little shocked to see me with my gun, but not as shocked as he was when he found out who my dad was. Man I wish I had a camera to take a picture of his face! It was priceless! Just then I hear a big cracking sound and I'm snapped out of my daze and back into reality. Sergio just punched Ruben straight across the jaw and now Ruben has him straddled to the floor while he is throwing a couple of his own punches.

I immediately pull Ruben back and I land a few punches at Sergio and then I point a gun at rubens head. Sergio was a little pissed because my ring left a cut but whatever that's what he gets for punching my man. Wait. What? No I can't like the dork. Nope. It's forbidden, I can't like the rival. Ruben looks shocked but yet his eyes tell me that he wants to bang right here right now, which to be honest I wouldn't mind. What? No, I- oh forget it.

" I don't want either one of you to be punching each other, kicking each other or anything of the sorts. Got it? Also, WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?! Someone please tell me why you guys were throwing punches like a bunches girls, seriously might as well have talked trash about your split ends and Shit! Man, I definitely need to show you guys how it's done." I started out mad but then got a smile to my face when both guys looked offended with how I called their punches.

" Look, first, we do not punch like girls, second, this menso started it with his trash talk about having to work with us. Like who does this vato think he is? Third, what the heck is your fist made out of? Metal? Take a chill pill chica!" Sergio laughed along with me, while I still had my gun pointed at Ruben. I finally put my gun down. And helped him up.

"Well the both of you heard my dad, let's go get that money and Cuban imports. Welcome to the dark side vato." I had said the last part to Ruben because as of today, he was our rookie.

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