Chapter 4: Don Pablo and Don Nico

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Ruben's Pov:

I never thought that the most sexiest chick would be the daughter of Don Nico. Now she is like my boss, because my dad decided to make a peace treaty with her dad. Great. Now that explains why her and Sergio had guns, the guns weren't what surprised me, it was the people who had them. I mean Roxanne has that bad-ass vibe to her but she is really smart like practically a nerd. Only thing keeping her from that is her crew and the fact that she can kick some serious ass.

I need to stop thinking about her. I was just gonna bang her and ya, terminado!( finished) but no. I can't get her out of my head.

"Hey, you, get the money." Roxanne just commanded me like a boss. Oh wait, she is a boss. Ha, she's my boss. Hmm , wonder if she's a boss in bed? What? Oh god my testosterone is through the roof! I need a cold shower and ugly thoughts in order to stop me from banging Roxanne right here right now.

I go to our closet and get the box with the money and I pull out a couple hundreds. I then go and bring the money to her. She takes it from my hands and counts it. The rest of her crew just stands behind her like body guards.

"Kay, good. Menso uno y dos, traegan me la droga de Cuba para darle a este retrasado.(Idiot one and two, bring me the drugs from Cuba to give it to this retard)" she smiled at me a little evilly. It kind of scared me. The twins, Dominico and Robert, brought the drugs and Roxanne just shoved them into my arms.

"Oh, rough, just how I like it" I winked at her and saw a light blush come on her cheeks.

I faintly heard her mumble a small 'shut up' and walk away from me. I followed right behind her because Don Nico wanted to talk to me.

"Hurry up. Remember just because we have a peace treaty going on doesn't mean that I just can't kill you right here, right now." Roxanne looked behind her and smirked at me and walked some more while swaying her hips. She stopped right in front of her motorcycle.

Man, she's got a nice ride. I just stay there checking her out as she hops on her motorcycle and shakes her hair around a bit. Just as I was about to make a move, I feel a slap on the back of my head.

"Calm down your boner vato. Don Nico won't appreciate seeing that going on in your pants in his office." Sergio snickered at me. I feel as if Sergio has a thing for my girl. Wait-what? Yeah, let's forget I thought that.

I hear Roxanne let out a beautiful laugh and do that normal guy fist bump with Sergio and they hugged. Sergio moved his hands a little lower and now they were resting on her hips. I felt this weird feeling get in my stomach and I felt the heat of anger rise in my head so I just stormed off to my bike.

"Okay guys, let's roll!" Sergio said it like he was the one who gave the commands.

"Yeah let's go before Sergio turns into optimus prime." Roxanne yells as she passes all of us. We all just laughed and rode right behind her.

The ride to Don Nicos was very short. Once we got there, Roxanne grabbed me by the arm and rushed me to Don Nico's office. She didn't take me to the office immediately though. Next thing I know, my back smashes into a wall and Roxy has me pushed up against it.

"Babe, not right now. I have to see your dad. You can Fuck me later Kay?" I winked and pushed her off of me and kept walking. Only I stopped because the next words that came out of her mouth.

"Who told you I was good at being patient?," she winked, "But I guess you're right. We should go now." She gave me that same evil smile and walked past me in my shocked state.

I finally got out of my daze and followed right after her. She stopped right in front of a big white door and opened it wide enough for me to enter.

As soon as I enter, Don Nico is waiting for me right behind his big desk. Roxanne walks right in behind me.

"Sit, the both of you." He has a very thick Spanish accent. We do as we are told and sit right next to each other. Roxanne looks a little nervous and is looking everywhere but at me.

"Mija, has encontrado alguien con Que vas a manejar el negocio?(daughter, have you found someone to take over the business with?)" Roxanne closes her eyes for a brief second and takes a deep breath.

"No papa. I haven't. Remember I said to talk about this later?!" She sounded annoyed yet embarrassed. 

"No, we will not leave this alone because I made a deal with pablo, he is going to give up his son to be your co leader. He says that if you refuse that you will have to marry him instead. I agree with him. Choose. Not now. You can go." Roxanne mouth was open in shock. Her face then turned to anger and she got up stormed out of the room and slammed the door.

"Ruben. Let's talk."


Hey! I hope you guys like my story. Comment all your opinions and stuff. Also comment if it's been a while since I've last updated because I might forget and never update so yeah. Tell me if it's all good. Byeeeeeee!!

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