Chapter 1: The Better Life

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A/N: Hello! I know I said that the last book would end the story, but I found a loophole. And boy, do I love loophole. This story isn't a Clementine x Male Reader, but it IS in the same universe. If you haven't read my Clementine x Male Reader and Clementine x Male Reader 2 books, please read those before you start reading this--it would make your life so much more easier. Anyways, enjoy!

There's a room of people that sit down in front of radios to locate any communities in distress. One of the men are very bored. He looks at his friend next to him.

Tony: Yo.

Tony and his friend have New York accents.

His friend looks at him.

Tony: Who you votin' for?

Jerry: You know you're not supposed to ask.

Tony: Bro, I never understood that shit.

Jerry: Well, who are YOU votin' for?

Tony: Y/N. Dude's been alright since he got in office.

Jerry: Well, good for you. I'm still not sayin'.

Jerry looks back at his radio system.

Tony: C'mon! We both know that L/N is the best choice.

Jerry: If I tell you who I'm votin' for, will you leave me alone?

Tony: Yes.

Jerry sighs.

Jerry: Fine. I'm votin' for L/N too. Dude's lowered the tax rate and still managed to keep us goin'. We need a guy like him in office, ya know?

Tony: Of course I know. That's why I voted.

Jerry and Tony both chuckle.

Tony: Man, I gotta take a leak. He says, taking off his headphones and standing up. Make sure you check if anyone signals, aight?

Jerry: Yeah, yeah.

Tony walks away.

Jerry under his breath: Fuckin' nosey asshole.

Jerry looks at the end of the room to see his wife. They're going through a "thing" in there relationship. Jerry gets an idea to switch his station to hers.

Amy: Commonwealth. Is there something I can help you with today?

Jerry speaks into the microphone while he looks at Amy.

Jerry: Uh, yeah. How 'bout you come say hello over here, sweet cheeks?

Amy looks at with an unimpressed face. Amy turns off her radio and marches over to Jerry.

Amy: Cut it out. I'm not in the mood.

Jerry: C'mon, you can stay mad forevah.

Amy: Watch me.

Amy turns around and starts walking.

Jerry: Can we just talk?

Amy stops walking. She turns around and walks back over to Jerry.

Amy: Fine. You wanna talk? Let's talk.

Amy aggressively grabs Jerry's hand. Jerry stands up and they both walk away.

Tony's radio starts fizzing. A man on the other end speaks with urgency. He's panting very loudly and he sounds like he's in the middle of a battlefield.

Man on the end: Hello?! My name Monty Rivera.

Monty on the end: If you can hear me, then I need help. My community is being raided by these...AWFUL men! Please, if anyone can hear me, I'm BEGGING you to please respond...! Hello?! HELLO?! AHHHHH!

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