Chapter 9: Act of Kindness...Or Stupidity?

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[16 Years Earlier]

A twenty-seven-year-old Y/N and a five-year-old Shaun are walking along the river, hand-in-hand. They see a few elderly fishing. The elderly look at Y/N and Shaun. Y/N smiles.

Y/N: Good evening.

Old man: And to you, Mr. L/N.

You: Don't stay out too late.

Old man: Oh, yes, sir.

They continue walking. Shaun looks at Y/N.

Shaun: Can I learn how to fish?

Y/N looks at Shaun.

Y/N: Not today. I'll take you this weekend, though.

Shaun smiles.

Shaun: Okay.

Y/N smiles too. They look forward down the path.

From a short distance, a man follows behind the two. He walks through the trees.

Y/N knee bone shakes, so he stops.

Y/N: Hold on.

Shaun stops walking. Y/N turns around and puts his hand on his revolver, ready to draw. Y/N reaches behind him and puts his hand on Shaun's shoulder. He pulls him closer, so that he doesn't leave his reach.

Y/N: Stay right here.

Y/N continues to scan the area. He sees a walker walk out from behind a tree. Shaun gasps.

Y/N sighs.

Y/N: It's just one. Stand back.

Shaun steps away from his dad. Y/N reaches over his shoulder and unsheathes his sword. He gets into defensive position.

The walker growls as it approaches him.


Y/N slices his head in two. He looks at his sword. He slashes at the air, getting the walker blood off. He sheathes the sword.

Y/N: 'Kay. He says, turning to Shaun. You wanna keep walking or do you wanna head home?

Shaun looks at the ground. Y/N gets on one knee in front of Shaun.

Y/N: Hey, there's no shame if you wanna head back.

Shaun: It's not that...

Y/N: Then...what is it?

Shaun: ...I haven't killed one yet. A walker.

Y/N: That's a good thing.

Shaun: But I wanna be like you. He says, looking up at Y/N. How can I be like you if I've never killed a walker.

Y/N: Shaun, you don't have to worry about things like this. You SHOULDN'T worry about things like this.

Shaun looks down.

Shaun: I wanna be strong.

Y/N: Hey... Hey, look at me.

Shaun looks up at Y/N.

Y/N: You ARE strong. He says with a slight chuckle. You're probably the strongest kid back home.

Shaun: AJ's stronger.

Y/N: Well...AJ's not really much of a little kid anymore... Hey, you don't need to be like me. If anything, I want you to be better than I was.

Shaun: ...What if I don't?

Y/N smiles.

Y/N: I'll still love you with all my heart.

Shaun smiles.

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