Chapter 6: What Truly Matters

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Shaun's walking through the halls of the town hall. He needs to talk to his father and tell him that he's gonna be fine for a few days since the Western Alliance is pretty far from Commonwealth One.

He makes it to his father's office doors, which are guarded by two soldiers with rifles. He knocks on the right door.

Y/N: Come in.

He opens the doors to see Y/N working at his desk with two guards at his sides. Y/N looks up at Shaun and stops writing.

Y/N: Shaun. What a nice surprise. Come on over here.

Shaun walks in and closes the doors behind him. He walks up his dad's desk.

Y/N: I was just working on this new project. I've been getting reports that people have been lying about their points, so I thought "Hey! Why not bring back dollars?"

Shaun: That's great, dad. He says, sounding really unenthusiastic.

Y/N thought Shaun would at least give a smile.

Y/N: Ah, I'm sorry. What can I do for you?

Shaun: Well, I just came to let you know that I'm gonna be gone for a few days.

Y/N: Oh? Where?

Shaun: Alexandria.

Y/N raises his eyebrow.

Y/N: That's not where you're going.

Shaun nervously swallows.

Y/N: Shaun, are you up to something?

Shaun: Dad, you don't have to worry.

Y/N: I got two knee bones, boy. Both of 'em just shook.

Shaun has to think of something. Fast. Something that he's now planning on doing.

Shaun: Okay, look...I'm going to visit Lilly.

Y/N looks down and sighs as he shakes his head.

Y/N: Shaun...

Shaun: Dad, I know you still don't like her. But she helped get mom back when the Light Bearers took her.

Y/N looks up at Shaun.

Y/N: A lot of people helped during that. Dead people.

Shaun: And she was willing to die too. She spent twenty-two years inside a cage because YOU put her in there. And then you let her out to fight along side you.

Y/N: Shaun, wouldn't you rather spend time with your family?

Shaun: No, dad, I wanna...

Y/N looks a little sad.

Shaun: That's not what I...

He sighs.

Shaun: Look, I know that you think you're just doing what's best for me, but I'm not a kid anymore. I'm old enough to make my own decisions.

Y/N looks down.

Y/N: Yeah, you're right... You've grown up.

Y/N stands up from his desk and he walks over to the window. He looks at the capitol through the window.

Shaun crosses his arms.

Y/N: ...You realize the only times you ever come to my office is when you need something...? You never come to say hello. Not to visit or see how I'm doing...

Shaun: Dad, we have dinner every Friday.

Y/N: EVERY Friday? 'Cause last time I checked, you and Jacquelyn started having dinner with us only two weeks ago... I always ask you if you and Jacquelyn would like to spend some time with us, but you're always too busy.

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