── 𝟢.𝟢2

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─ 𝐓 𝐖 𝐎 ─


The apartment was practically heaving, Capitol youths lounging across Questin's expensive furniture like pampered felines, exquisite cocktails balanced in their hands. A giant screen hung from the ceiling on the far side of the open-plan living space, guests already camped out on the couches and armchairs in front of it, waiting for the action to begin. Valeria looked down at her communicuff for the time – seven twenty eight. The show would be starting any minute now.

Shrugging off her coat and passing it to one of the waiting Avoxes posted on the sidelines, Valeria began to thread her way through the throng of people towards the kitchen area. If there was one thing she'd learned over the years as his friend, it was that if you couldn't find Questin then the first place to look should always be the bar. The Dovecote heir was barely ever seen without some kind of fancy glass in hand, gulping down liquor as if it were water, so the bar was the most likely place to catch him.

This evening was no exception – Valeria pushed her way through the crowds until the unmistakable sound of cocktail shakers paired with Questin's effortless laughter assaulted her ears. Her best friend was leant up against the counter, behind which one of his staff members – a girl with a bright purple pixie crop – was mixing drinks, tossing her tools into the air amid the cheers of the guests. As always, he was wearing silver.

Silver was the same to Questin Dovecote as the pale pink hair was to Valeria – a trademark that only they could pull off in such a way. His suit was slim cut, printed with brocade patterns in metallic gunmetal which caught the lights as he moved. Multiple small hoops dangled from his ears, and smoky black shadow ringed his eyes, cut through with a flash of silver liner which stood out like a beacon against his brown skin. There was even a crown of laurels perched atop his buzzed head.

Beside him, Valeria could probably have passed for staff - if it weren't for the dazzling smile which pulled at his lips as he caught sight of her.

"Val, darling! You made it!" He cut across the space between them, arms outstretched towards her as he pulled her into a hug. The two of them exchanged kisses, twice on each cheek, and Valeria followed him back towards the bar. "Perfect timing too, the viewing is just about to start. Drink?"

Valeria nodded. "Just some bubbles will do for now, thanks."

Questin shot her an affirmative wink and flagged down the barwoman, who passed a bottle of sparkling wine across the counter, along with two crystal flutes that probably each cost more than Valeria's entire outfit. He handed the first over to her and poured, the wine fizzing gloriously as it hit the glass. Valeria took a sip, expecting the berrylike taste of the one she'd been drinking back at home, and instead was met with a sharp citrus flavour. Still, it wasn't exactly unpleasant.

"Come on, let's get ourselves a seat before all the best ones are taken."

Valeria turned to Questin, a witty remark on the tip of her tongue, only to find that he'd already disappeared into the crowds, a flash of silver below the chandeliers the only clue to his location. Sighing quietly to herself, she began to follow the cool glint through the throng of people, edging closer to his coattails with every step.

The clientele was elite this evening. Valeria spotted some incredibly high profile young men and women amongst the guests – the kind of people who would only have to flash their communicuff at a Peacekeeper to be granted access to any event they desired. Even Lucretia Ravinstill, great-granddaughter of the former President of Panem, was perched on a pewter velvet armchair in front of the screen. Valeria made extra effort not to catch her eye as she passed, taking the long route around a pair of couples chattering excitedly about the District 1 tribute they'd caught a glimpse of on the television that morning, to avoid her. Considering she belonged to one of the richest families in the Nation, it would've been unwise for anybody to find themselves on the wrong side of the wretched girl, let alone somebody of lesser status. And yet Valeria had made herself a firm enemy of Lucretia's the moment she had wiped her from the top spot on grading day with near perfect exams scores.

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