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"𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐈?! 𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐃𝐈𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐌𝐘 𝐍𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑." To say the least you were shocked,confused and kinda just wtf all at the same time. Todoroki chuckled over the line at your dumb founded words.

"Well... I sorta had my PI get your number for me because I have a favor to ask you." PI? Of course rich CEO's would have one they are so crazy sometimes you thought as you then heard about this favor. "Well it depends," you say as you pour yourself a glass of cranberry juice. "How extreme is it?"

This is where Shoto cringed, "Uh well not to freak you out or anything but the press saw us last night I don't think you noticed since you were drunk and I'm sure you haven't checked the news either since you were probably dealing with a hangover but now everyone assumes we're a couple." You froze. What the fuck did I just hear.

This can't be happening no wonder everyone was gossiping about you in your old job. You gulped, "You're not joking right?" "I'm serious y/n which is why I think that in order for them not to shame you we should have a fake relationship for the public for a year and after that we can end it."

Your breathed hitched at the favor now turned proposition. Okay now you were screaming inside. What the hell?! This sounds like a Korean drama over here! You realized that Shoto has been silent the whole time obviously waiting for your response.

You thought some
more, you needed this if you agreed you could ask to get a job there which would make your life easier You knew that taking short cuts isn't the best but you know what? Fuck it. It's time to make some bank. "Todoroki I've thought about it and I'll take you up on your offer but after this year contract ends I would like to have a job at your company since I'm currently.. well jobless."

Todoroki frowned. He was confused about the fact that you were since you seemed like a very successful woman such as yourself. "May I ask why your are currently?" You sighed. "Well it's kinda a long story but to keep it short... I got fired because I hanged out with you." Shoto gasped slightly. I got her fired?

"Y/n I'm terribly sorry if I had known that would happen to you I would've- "Oh Shoto don't worry about it! It's no ones fault but my own.." you giggled. "If you wanna repay me you could possibly let me get interviewed for a job there." Todoroki blushed slightly at your tone. Already imagining not so good thoughts.

He coughed to get away from his thoughts. "That can be arranged Ms. l/n." He said to try and maintain a professional level. "Oh wow going all Mr.Todoroki on me huh?" You said to rile him up as you dragged your finger along the kitchen counter. "You sound quiet attractive though love."

You immediately pressed mute on yourself and ascended into laugher balling your eyes out not believing you can sound that flirty over the DAMN phone for gods sake. Todoroki on the the other hand was a while different story. His breath was heavy and hot after hearing your words.

God you sounded so damn beautiful and hot at the same time it wasn't fair. He tried to shrug away those thoughts but you teasing him like this didn't help. But he knew to return the favor.

"Well y/n since your agreeing on this I think it be best if you come to my place to sign some paperwork and I can fill you in on how we're handling this dear." Snapping back to reality you answered understanding when and where to go to his place.

After you both snapped out of your horny personas, you talked casually about your day. It became pretty late very quickly and you could hear Todoroki yawning. You smiled softly, he was most likely exhausted by the call and needs to go to sleep. "Todoroki I think we should call again later this week but for now let's talk later okay?"

Shoto who was now to sleepy to function muttered a simple alright sounds good and proceeded to end the call but before he pressed end you spoke up
Once more. "Oh by the way I have a question," Todoroki yawned quietly, "Is that right? Well what is it then?" "Does this mean I'm your sugar baby?" Todoroki chuckled. "Sure y/n, sure."



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