Chapter 1- Yolk on the Oak

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              It was the middle of summer near the outer reaches of a town named Edgewater, Massachusetts. It was one of the hottest summers I had ever experienced in my life actually. Come to think of it, I have no idea how it could have gotten that hot in that small little town anyway.
I sat under that enormous oak tree just about all day every day bored out of my mind. I had just turned Eight then and the first highlight of my boring summer was my birthday party at the bowling alley. Then again, not a single soul out of the whole class which I invited had shown up to it. I opened up the doors to that place as confident as ever with my mother Catherine and my older sister Martha by my side and went out a failure at life.
My mother assured me that maybe they got the wrong date while my sister being the brat that she is made fun of me for just about the rest of that day. Deep down I told myself it was because I had no friends and nothing good or bad would cheer me up.
When school started in the fall, the rest of the kids at that grade school laughed at me and called me names but I never said anything to my parents about it even on the days when I felt horrible because of what had happened.
I spent my days at that house wishing I was a tree. I know it sounds stupid but if only I was a tree I would be able to enjoy the world around me as much as I wanted with no interruptions. If only I was a tree I would not feel bad about the other trees disliking me because I would have the birds to keep me company. If only I was a tree I would not have to face the problems of the world from a ground view.
My small blue eyes looked around at every tree in that yard. I had never noticed just how special they all were. With all the trees in that yard none of them stood out as much as that giant Oak Tree. I sunk in the beauty of that sunny day with the Oak blocking out pieces of the light just enough so that it made everything in that yard look important. Nothing could steal my eyes away from that magnificent Oak.
School made the days feel endless with boredom. I had not cared about a single thing, but that Oak Tree. Every day in school I would think about what it would look like when I got home. As a child, my mind wandered everywhere at once. I would try so hard to make friends and try to see why I was such an unlikable person to everyone that was near me. It was one day in the middle of autumn that I realized why.


It was a Saturday and I had sat under that Oak Tree almost all day reading books. Some kids that I had seen at school rode out on their bike over to my tree and shouted,

"Nerd Boy! Nerd Boy!" While egging me and covering every square inch of that tree in yolk.

I went to my sister later on that day and asked her what a nerd was. She told me it was some weird boy who reads books all day and mostly focuses on fantasy every day in their life. It was true that I had been reading a lot of books and it was also true that most of them were about dragons. I had been standing there the whole time thinking about it and hadn't noticed how long I had been standing there in that room for.

"You alright dork?" My sister asked.

"Yea I'm fine" I said back.

I walked back outside to that tree that was covered in yellow. Mom would be so mad when she got home to find out this had happened. Even near the top of the tree there were splattered eggs everywhere.
The next day after a wild night of my mom trying to figure out who had egged our tree, I went to school as down as ever, as if there were no meaning to life other than the books I had read under that Oak. Later that day in school, something happened to me that had never happened before. Someone had spoken to me. It wasn't in a threatening or angry way either like the other rare times people had spoken to me before.

"What's that book you're reading?" He said.

So I told him the book I had been reading since the morning and for once he seemed to actually be listening to what I was saying. We talked for a little bit more before there came a quiet point in the conversation.

"That's an amazing tree you have in your front yard. I see it everyday. It's just about the biggest tree in the entire town." He said.

"I like it as well." I responded.

"Hey whats your name?" He asked.

"Asher." I replied.

"Mines Lucas" he added.

I had never talked to someone before out of nowhere like that and it sounds weird, but I never really knew how a conversation out of my own family existed until that day. I looked at a kid that didn't really like me with his disgusted face.

"Come on Lucas, don't talk to that geek." He said.

    Lucas looked like he wanted to say something to them but didn't. I knew I didn't want him to say anything because of the trouble I could possibly get in, but a very small part of me actually wanted him to say something. I wanted someone to give payback for how rude the other people have been to me all my life since I was little. I decided it was best to keep my mouth shut. Even though they would probably never get along with me, maybe Lucas would be the one person who stood out with me. Maybe I wouldn't be the odd one out of the bunch anymore.


I know this books kind of different but I promise it will get somewhere. In the meantime I wanted to thank you for reading. I will be writing the 2nd chapter so stay tuned. Remember to comment and vote if you enjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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