A small break and a kidnapping.

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Nix calmly walked into the room, Nigel at their feet herding little ducklings. Omen following behind with something tied up and dangling from his mouth, well more like someone.

Lilith: Is that the Golden Guard?
Nix: I prefer calling him a bad but sad boy. He's in future viewings well not future future we don't see him till the start of season two as a character but you know what I mean.
Eda: At this point I don't think anyone knows what you mean.
Nix: I was going to kidnap Kikimora or Raine but I would of punted that little lapdog and Raine politely asked me not to.
Skara: Anyone else concerned? Or just me?
Willlow: No the rest of us are as well.

Omen proceeded to drop, Hunter onto the ground. The boy still knocked out and such asleep.

Nix: I just realized has anyone checked to make sure Odalia wasn't dead? No okay. I could really careless.
Lilith: This is poor for my health.
Alador: I find the whole thing amusing.

Ignoring the coven head and Blight as they descended into some sort of arguement, Nix calmly walked over to Hunter. Debating how they wanted to wake the boy up. Before shrugging.

Nix: I'm sure he'll wake up soon. For now I need to realign my moral compass
Camilla: You have a moral compass?
Nix: Only when anarchy is involved.
Luz: So are we watching anything more today?
Nix: I'm still working on getting that done, for now I figured I'd kidnap Hunter and drop some fun hints on what to look forward to.

Nix gave a grin, as Hunter finally came to and proceeded to freak out. He only freaked out more when he saw Lilith was there.

Nix: Why its more fun to make you squirm.
Hunter: Do you know who I am?!
Nix: A teenager? Or are you looking for more of bad but sad boy?
Hunter: I am Belos' right hand you will release me now!
Nix: You see I don't care what the walmart version of Voldemort could do to me.
Hunter: Who the heck is Voldemort? What the heck is a walmart?!
Nix: Running joke between me, myself and I.
Luz: Maybe we should all calm down?

This was directed at Lilith who was currently just sitting on a chair and drinking tea.

Lilith: Just accept it, they aren't letting us leave and from what I can gather if you're here you become important.
Nix: How do you know I just didn't kidnap you at random?
Lilith: You said you worked for a void, I assume something seemingly powerful has its reasons.
Nix: I hate logic so you need to leave me alone with such logic.
Lilith: Son't happening.

Lilith gave a smirk, as Nix stood there gaping. Their own logic, their own mind game turned on them by Lilith of all people. Nix should of saw it coming.

Nix: So you admit, son't is a word?

Nix found that they had to quickly duck to avoid the fireball heading their way, Edric wasn't so lucky. Good thing Bump was quick to put it out.

Nix: Not cool! Anyway where was I? Oh right I was going to tell you some hints about the future and how you all fit into it but I don't want to anymore. Though I'll give you a number to remember. That number being five.
Lilth: Five? But that's so random! How does five fit into anything!
Nix: For me to know you to find out. Anyway I'm going to take a nap.

Nix walked out of the room, despite Lilith still yelling at them.  Nix of course was smug, they always got the last word in.

Sorry I didn't get the next chapter out, I'm working on it but its a bit slow so I hope this can tide you all over while I work on the chapter, I'm halfway through it so it should be posted by Wednesday. ENJOY! Also I appreciate you all and will try to interact more in the comments. As Hunter once said 'Byeeee!'

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