What × Do × You × Mean × Cooking?

125 8 36

A/N: I forgot to precise that this book might contain curses, so if you're not comfortable with that you can leave if you want.

"Phase Two of the exam will occur here, in the Biska Forest Park. So I shall take my leave. Best of luck to all of you."

The big gate I was standing in front of finally opened. Behind them were standing a mansion and... cooking tables? Does that mean we're gonna cook? I mean I wasn't the worst... but I wasn't the best either.

"Will all applicants who passed the First Phase please enter?" A woman with blue hair and a revealing shirt said. "Welcome. I'm Menchi, the Second Phase examiner."

Behind her was standing a... well... how to say this... big guy? Well not big, he was a literal giant. I'm sure if he stood up I'd be as high as his legs. When he spoke, his voice surprised me. I expected a deep voice. But no, it seemed rather friendly.

"And I'm Buhara, the other examiner."

Everyone got startled when a volcano sound came from Buhara.

"You must be hungry." Turquoise Starfish said to him.

"I'm starving..."

"There you have it...Phase Two will involve..."

Not cooking. Please do not be cooking. I want to be a Black List Hunter, not a cook.


Do I really have this much bad luck? Well, guess I wasn't the only one who was startled by this phase. People looked at her with a surprised look on their faces. Before I was able to speak, a guy with a gold-colored ponytail expressed his disagreement.

"Wait! Cooking? We're here to take the Hunter Exam!"

"That's quite right. Your challenge for the Second Phase is to produce a dish that will satisfy our palate."

Ok, it wasn't what I was expecting. But now that I'm thinking about it, cooking will surely be easier than any physical exercise. And if Menchi is an examiner, that means she's a hunter. She must know what she is doing.

In response to someone's question, she revealed they were Gourmet Hunters. I never knew that existed. I don't get why everyone is laughing. Guess I'll laugh too, I don't wanna be rejected since I was like that all my life.

Fuck, I spoke too soon. Menchi looked at us with a glare filled with anger. She sighed and Buhara just glanced at us.

"So, Gourmet Hunters, what are we supposed to make?" The gold-haired man said.

Still furious, the Turquoise Starfish requested the mountain to explain to us.

"The required ingredient is pork." he said.

"Pork? As in pig meat?" Someone I didn't locate said.

Well no shit sherlock. Like, it's obviously chicken meat.

"You're free to use meat from any species of Biska Forest pigs. You must use the cooking facilities here to prepare the pork. And you only pass if we both find it delicious."

Ah! That'll be easy then! Well, here's another step for me to become a hunter.

Menchi said something, but I only remember something like 'we will evaluate'. The rest of the sentence is still unknown. Maybe it was something like 'we will evaluate how much it tastes'? Yeah, I'll pretend she said that.

It finally began! Everyone rushed off in the forest, and so did I. The only thing I didn't do like them is searching behind trees. What's the purpose of that? A pig won't hide behind a tree, it's obvious.

(discontinued) ᴇʟᴇᴄᴛʀɪᴄ ʟᴏᴠᴇ [𝕂𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕦𝕒 𝕩 𝕆ℂ]Where stories live. Discover now