Johnny Utah

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"Hey, Y/N! What ya staring at," Y/F/N said giving her a knowing look and a nudge. Y/N laughed and shook her head, looking back up at a guy that was surfing. He was really good and pretty cute. He seemed fit and had dark hair. She couldn't see exactly how looked from how far he was. "I'm just admiring the waves and surfing looks fun," Y/N said. Y/F/N chuckled,"I'm sure you're admiring something. Well rather, someone."

"Oh shut it," Y/N retorted. "Ok, but a heads up he's walking this way. I'm gonna go get some more water bottles from the car," Y/F/N got up and winked at Y/N. Johnny set his board down and sat down on his blanket that was next to Y/N and Y/F/N's blanket. Y/N looked at him a bit longer and sighed. She looked away to make sure she didn't seem creepy. "Nice day, isn't it?" She heard a deep voice say. She looked over and the guy was smiling at her.

"Uh, yeah, it's beautiful," she replied. He laughed a bit,"I think I saw you staring." She felt her cheeks heat up and tried to hide her face. "It's ok, I think it's flattering. Also, I think you're pretty cute, too," he stood up to sit on her blanket. He held his hand out,"Johnny Utah." "F/N L/N."

"You're really good at surfing, I've always wanted to learn,"she said looking at his surfboard. "Thanks, but I could teach you. We could start tomorrow! You could meet me here at 2pm, if that works for you,"he smiled at her. "That's perfect," she said. "Great! It's a date," he chuckled and grabbed his stuff to leave. That's when Y/F/N came back to see Y/N with a huge smile on her face. Johnny looked back at her and smiled.

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