John Wick

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"John," y/n groaned. "Sh, baby. Please save your energy," John whispered as he held a bloody Y/N to his chest. He applied pressure to the gun wound,"I'm so sorry baby." Y/N reached up to caress his cheek,"it's not your fault, John. I love you." With that, she took her last breath and John cried over her body.

John shot up in his bed to sit up with cold sweat sticking to his forehead. He looked over at Y/N, who was stirring in her sleep. He caressed her cheek and look at the clock in her nightstand that read 3:40 am. Y/N's eyes fluttered open and met John's deep brown eyes. She sat up and held his arm,"what's wrong, babe? Bad dream?" He just nodded and looked down at his hands. Y/N kissed his shoulder and pulled him to lay down on her chest," do you wanna talk about it, love."

"I lost you. I made a stupid decision. A mistake. And I lost you. You- you died in my arms," he choked out. Tears were starting to form and
y/n held him closer,"shh, babe. You're not gonna lose me. We both know your job is dangerous and we both know the precautions. We've been together for about four years now, I'm sure we know what to do. Everything will be ok, John. I promise." Y/N kissed the top of his head and John tightened his grip around y/n. They laid like that for a while and  sleepiness was taking over both of them. John was slightly snoring until he mumbled,"y/n, I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. I don't want to be without you. I want to do everything with you."

Y/N's eyes flew open, "John, do you mean it?" No response. "John?" Silence. "John?" The sound of him snoring. Y/n sighed and tried to sleep.

*time skip to morning*

Y/n couldn't sleep at all, so around 8'o clock she wiggled out of John's grip and made her way to the kitchen. She decided to make some coffee and start making breakfast. When she was done, it was around 8:30 and John entered the kitchen. "This is amazing, babe," he sat down at the table as y/n put a plate of food in front of him and a cup of coffee. She sat down across from him and sipped her coffee. John noticed she was staring and froze, wide-eyed in place with the fork of food in his mouth, "Is there something on my face?"

Y/n set down her coffee and shook her head,"no, but I was wondering if you meant what you said last night." John put down his fork,"about the dream and not wanting to lose you? Yeah I meant it.... but if you're referring to how I want to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you, then I meant that one too." Y/n giggled,"I was about to punch you at that first part." They laughed and John got up to get something from their room.

He came back with his hands behind his back and kneeled next to her. He grabbed her hands,"y/n f/n. I know this isn't at some fancy restaurant or at Disneyland or some other place people propose at, but I also know that I love you and it's as simple as that. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and do everything with you. We can even start a family at some point... but what I'm trying to get is, would you want that to? Will you marry me?" Y/N was crying at this point and all she could do was nod and say,"yes." John smiled the biggest smile y/n has ever seen and put the ring in her finger. They both stood up and kissed each other. "I love you, John." Y/n hugged him,"I love you too, always." John kissed the top of her head.

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