Johnny Utah

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"You're definitely getting better at surfing," Johnny said dragging his board to his and y/n's blanket. They both plopped down and tried to catch their breaths. A girl in a bikini walked by them and winked at Johnny. Y/n sat up and stared at her and turned her attention to Johnny, who was staring at y/n. "I wanna go home," y/n got up and gathered their stuff.

"Already," Johnny jumped up to help with a confused expression. They walked back to their car and y/n was silent the ride back to their house. Once they got home y/n ran to the bathroom. She looked in the mirror and can only compare herself to the girl at the beach. She had the perfect body. She was- Her thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock.

"Babe? Are you ok? You were really quiet in the car and something just feels off," Johnny spoke. Y/n slowly opened the door and went back to the mirror. Johnny walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "What's wrong, sweetheart," he asked kissing her cheek and resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Why are you with me? You have all these beautiful, fit and perfect girls throwing themselves at you, so why me? I'm nothing compared to them. I'm not even half as good looking as them. I mean... just look at me," she rambled on staring at the mirror, tears starting to form. Johnny shook his head,"I am looking at you. I'm always looking at you and you only. Babe, look in the mirror. What do you see?" Y/n sighed," I see an ugly nobody with the most perfect man, who is way out of her league."

Johnny held her hands,"well, I see a beautiful, smart woman, who I love more than anything and anyone. I see the love of my life, who is perfect and above all the other girls out there. You are the only person I see and you are the only person in my world. I am so damn lucky to have you and you are perfect to me, always."

Tears were streaming down y/n's face and she turned around to face him. Johnny grabbed her hands and kissed them. "Do you really mean that," she whispered. He held her hands to his face and looked her in the eyes,"every word." Y/n leaned up to kiss him and he put his hands around her waste. They hugged and stood there for a minute, just holding each other. "You are the most perfect person I have ever met and no one can compare to you. I love you,"

A/N: sorry that this took me a while.This is a request for peachymultifandom I hope that you liked it:)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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