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Obama brought me to the nearest hotel. When we checked into the room Obama left yup.
Alright next week
"Uhhh trump I have uhh came to uhh destroy you" "uhh no obammaaaa you will nottt" "that's it" "AHHHHHH" "AGHHHHH" "uhh what areee you doing step bro" "oh what you doing  with that lightsaber owo" "sayonara Donald Trump" "agagahahj whyyy Obama owo" "cummies" "blah" "uhhh people it's okay the uhhh orange is ahhh gone" "ahhh Obama is so strong yuhhh". Everyone cheered "yayy Obama you did it" "yippee".
I was sitting in the hotel that trivago sent me to. I turned the tv on and I saw what happened with Obama and trump. I gasped "oh my WHAT DID THAT ORANGE SAYYY TO MYYY HUSBIAN OWO UWWUUU". I ran to that orange hoes grave and saw his wife and kids spitting and shiting on his grave I joined in and pissed on it. Obama watched me piss on the grave "mmmm that's uhhh very seggsy 😏" "o-Obama what are yo-" Obama drank my piss "your lovely pee don't need to be on this damn grave" "ohh obammm I didn't know you had a piss kink owo 😏🏳️‍🌈"
"I do yoda and I love your piss the most;)"
"then will you go out with me" "sure ehyyy nott 😍🥵"

This is legit shit

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