Chapter 7: The Enemy

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The Titans may not notice it, but Y/N knows a lot more about what's going on than what he lets on.

He knows about their past troubles, the way they feel, their own personal troubles and past lives. Even though he knows, he doesn't let the others know that. Because if he did, then the Titans would never feel comfortable around him again.

Suddenly the alarm goes off.

Robin (Over the Intercom): Titans report to Commons Room now!

All of the Titans rush to the Commons room where Robin is.

Y/N: Alright we're here. What's the deal?

Robin: This.

Robin points a remote towards the TV screen and presses a button revealing a familiar face.

Slade: Why hello Titans.

The Titans except Y/N: Slade!

Slade: It's nice to see you to! Now, how are we?

Robin: Cut it with the games Slade! What do you want?

Slade: Well I am sure that you are aware that I love causing havoc.

Beast Boy: Just get to the point.

Slade: Do you all know what this is?

Slade moves out of the way of the camera revealing a huge machine.

Titans except Beast Boy: (Gasp)

Starfire: Is that a...

Cyborg: Chronoton Detinator!

Beast Boy: Uh whats... What Cyborg said.

Y/N: It's basically a machine that stops time...

Raven: Permanantly.

Beast Boy: Oh... (Screams).

Y/N: (To Slade) And I'm sorry, but I don't believe we've met.

Slade: Ah Y/N, it's nice to finally talk to you.

Robin: What! How do you know his-

Y/N: He's been monitoring me ever since I joined the Titans... Observing my abilities and what I can do.

Slade: My, my, very impressive Y/N. You seem a little too good for the Titans

Y/N: Nice try, but I'm never working for you.

Slade: How did you know I was trying to brag you into working for me?

Y/N: Why else would you be telling me I'm good. To try and apologise? I don't think so.

Robin: Alright that's enough! We won't let you detonate that thing Slade!

Slade: Do what you must to stop me. But you will have little success as always. Slade, out.

A picture of the Chronoton Detinator is left on the screen.

Starfire: Now we must figure out where the Detinator is being held for the time being.

Y/N: Hold on, see that reflection on it?

The Titans look to see what just looks to be some squiggly lines in the Chronoton Detinator.

Beast Boy: Uh... Squiggly lines?

Raven: No. It looks like Slade gave us more information then we realised.

Raven focuses the reflection and flips it to reveal the words:

Starfire: Pier 41!

Robin: The docks.

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