Chapter 8: The Enemy Part 2

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The Titans are fighting off those annoying Slade bots. It's as if Slade has equipped them with new State of the Art technology.

Beast Boy: Since when did these guys become so OP?

Cyborg: More of them just keep coming!

Robin whacks three out of the way with his staff.

Robin: It seems that Slade has upgraded them!

Raven: The question is why?

Robin: (Quietly) I have a feeling Y/N might have had something to do with it.

Starfire: (Screams) Robin help!

Robin turns around at light speed to find Starfire pinned against war with a charged laser canon aimed at her head.

Robin: Oh no. Hang on Starfire I'm coming!

Robin hurtles towards Starfire, knocking out 7 robots in his path and then jumps on top of the bot threatenening Starfire.

He tries to stab it the face with his staff but misses despite the 10 times that he striked.

The Slade bot pins him to the wall the way it did with Starfire. Robin was up there helpless with the same laser canon aimed at his head.

All the Titans: Robin!

All of a sudden Y/N came crashing through the wall and tackling the robot about to end Robin's life, ripping it to shreds.

He then goes to the remaining 25 robots and wipes out 8 of them with an energy beam.

Y/N: Raven cast a spell.

Raven: Azarath Metrion Zinthos!

Y/N Enlarges the aura into a mini Tsunami wiping out the remaining 17 robots.

Y/N: That didn't take long!

Cyborg: Yeah, Haha Hilarious! But we still have to find that Chronoton Detinator.

Robin: Before it does what it's supposed to.

Y/N thinks about saying something the Titans, but decides not to... For further measures.

Y/N: Alright. I still don't feel comfortable about this though.

Beast Boy: Come on man, whats got you worked up?

Starfire: Do you wish to talk about it?

Y/N: I'm gonna head back.

Before anyone could say anything else, Y/N flies back to the Tower while the other Titans get all questiony.

Robin: No wait. Come back! (To himself) What has gotten into him?

In a Random Alleyway

Y/N is trying to work the communicator, trying to get into contact with Slade.

Y/N: Come on Slade, I know you want to talk. Pick up!

After 10 solid minutes of struggling, the communicator goes to static for about 15 seconds.

Y/N: Huh?

He taps on the communicator a little more.

Slade: Alright Y/N you win, I answered.

Y/N: Why have you gotta make this so difficult? WTF are you planning?!

Slade: Your curiosity intrigues me.

Y/N: I said once and I'll say it again, you could never get me to work for you.

Slade: Never say never. You may not be the one, but someone else could well be.

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