Chapter 14: The Unworthy Sister

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Nivado: Sorry its a bit late, but thank you guys so much for 1,000 reads on this story. I'm surprised that people actually want to read this thing. Thank you!

Also, if I make any mistakes or grammatical errors in the following chapters, please let me know. I tend to miss a lot of them when I'm editing.

Enjoy reading!


Beast Boy: Dude! There's more of them?!

Y/N is still trying to hold it to the ground.

Y/N: (Grunts) Apparently!

Starfire: And they are still out to get me!

Y/N notices the goth guy that Raven was with running off scared.

Y/N: Hey Raven! Sorry to spoil your date, but we got bigger problems to deal with here.

Raven slightly grunts in annoyance.

Cyborg: Where are Robin and Blackfire anyway?

Beast Boy: I don't know but they can't be too- (Screams)

4 tentacles suddenly wrap around Beast Boy, dragging him into the darkness of the warehouse.

Y/N: What the- Argh!

Due to the shock, Y/N loses his grip on the droid and falls off of it. This isn't all bad though, as the droid unintentionally lets go of Starfire in the process.

Y/N: Titans! Attack!

Raven goes after the droid that has a hold of Beast Boy.

Raven: Azarath Metrion Zinthos!

The spell smashes into the droid, causing it to let go of Beast Boy.

Starfire aims and fires her Starbolts at the one that escaped from Y/N's grasp. This backfires though, as the droid falls near Beast Boy. Beast Boy luckily turns into a tiger and whacks it back in Starfire's direction. There are eventually three robots crowding Starfire.

Y/N goes charging at one of them.

Y/N: Cyborg, Raven. You take the other two! Beast Boy. Make sure no others show up! And Starfire. Stay out of the droids way!

The Titans did as they were told.

Y/N is blasting his droid with energy beams. That is until it grabs a hold of him

Y/N: Argh! Let go of me!

Y/N tries to break out of its grasp. He throws a kick to its face. This has it's own consequences as the droid rages and throws Y/N across the room.

Jump to Robin and Blackfire in the Stairwell

Robin tries to make a run for it back up the staircase to the roof but is stopped by Blackfire.

Blackfire: Where are you going? Stay and talk to me!

Robin: Look, I just want to see if Starfire's ok-

Y/N comes crashing through the wall behind them, interrupting Robin's sentence.

Robin: Woah, what happened!?

Y/N slowly stands up.

Y/N: Why don't you two lovebirds come and look for yourself.

Y/N gestures for them to take a look at what's happening and they run towards the hole in the wall that Y/N made on his collision with it.

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