Chapter 6: The Origin

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After the events of the previous night, the Titans were attending a Team meeting on the Ops Room couch as Robin had requested the previous day.

Robin: Alright Titans, now that your all here we have a few things to discuss.

Robin looks at Y/N as he says this.

Y/N: Ok I know what this is about. We're all going to talk about what happened yesterday, and that I gotta learn to control myself a little more.

Robin: Well... You're half right. We are here to go through a couple of things.

Robin grabs a chair and sits parallel to Y/N, who is sitting on the couch. He then looks Y/N directly in the eyes focusing all of his attention on him

Robin: What are your origins?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Starfire: I believe he means, where did you come from and originate.

Y/N: No, I got that. But, why do you suddenly want to know so badly?

Robin narrows his eyes on Y/N, giving him a "You're kidding me right," look.

Cyborg: Did you even see what happened yesterday?

Cyborg presses a button on the TV remote playing the video of Y/N cranking the notch on Raven's spell from the previous day.

Y/N: Yes, I was there!

Cyborg turns off the video.

Beast Boy: So tell us. Where are you from?

Y/N: Ok. I'll tell you guys, but I won't go into full depth.

Y/N clears his throat as he prepares to speak.

Y/N: I was born... A while ago. A few billion years to be exact.

The Titans Gasp.

Y/N: Really? I only just started.

Robin: Uh sorry... Continue.

Y/N: So, From what I can recall I spent most of my early life floating through space among other... let's just say, beings. I experienced many unusual and destructive phenomenons back then, planets were destroyed, universes were destroyed, most of the 'beings' were executed and tortured. I also witnessed a lot of demonic work.

Raven raises her head a little more, widening her eyes at Y/N's comment.

Y/N senses this happen but decides to ignore it. For now.

Robin: How did you end up in Jump City?

Y/N: Well, do you know how when humans get old enough they move out?

Robin: Yeah.

Y/N: A similar thing happens with my people, expect you get kicked out to explore the entire universe.

Cyborg: That seems a bit harsh.

Y/N: Well to you guys it may be, but for us, it's completely normal.

Y/N: When I was strolling through the universe, I came across...

Y/N pauses for a moment.

Y/N: The main 'rival' of my people. If any of my people come into contact with him, he'd try to hunt you down and absorb all of your powers, which in my case, would kill you.

Robin: So, how did you escape?

Y/N: I didn't. Well, kind of. He was about halfway through absorbing my powers before I very luckily managed to get away.

Robin: So you're saying you used to be twice as powerful as this?

Y/N: Yes. Give or take.

Cyborg: Man, how long ago did this happen?

Y/N: About a hundred or so years ago.

Starfire: How did you manage to land here on the planet Earth?

Y/N: It happened right after 'he' stole my powers, I blacked out and crash-landed in the middle of the pacific ocean.

Beast Boy: How long did it take for you to find land?

Y/N: A couple of hours. I had seen Earth before so I knew where everything was. But it took longer than I thought it would to find land.

Raven: When you said you witnessed demonic work, what kind of demonic work?

Y/N: Gee, Where could I start? The torturing of other Demons and Gods, entire universes being wiped out... And all from... him.

Starfire: Who is the 'him' that you speak of?

Y/N: I'm sure you'll find out sooner or later.

There is a brief moment of silence with Y/N staring into space deep in thought.

Robin: Come on Y/N, tell us. You're our second in command leader, we promise we won't reject you.

Y/N stands up from the couch and walks over to the Ops Room window.

Y/N: You guy already knows who he is... You just have to figure it out.

Robin: Tell us! We can't help you if you don't-

Robin is cut off by Starfire.

Starfire: Robin, please! If you continue to pressure him, you will make him feel uncomfortable and reluctant to be around us.

Robin: Fine. Sorry Y/N, let us know when you wish.

Robin walks back through the Ops room doors and down the corridor.

Beast Boy: Uh, sorry about how Robin just acted there man.

Y/N: It's fine, I get it. I know what it's like to have secrets hidden from you.

Raven: And I know what it's like to keep secrets. Big secrets.

Y/N: Oh trust me, I know.

Raven looks slightly confused. She is about to say something but Beast Boy gets there first.

Beast Boy: (Yawns) Well I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty tired. I gonna hit the hay.

Y/N: What time is- Holy moly 1:00 AM!

Y/N: Well, in that case, I think we should all get some rest.

Cyborg: I'm with Y/N and Beastie.

Starfire: I second to that.

Raven: Yeah sure, I'm pretty tired.

Y/N: Well, goodnight!



Blooper #1

Robin: Alright Titans, now that your all here we have a few things to discuss.

Y/N: Ok I know what this is about. I have to cut off my habit of drinking before filming.

Robin: (Chuckles) Well true, but not what we're here to discuss.

Blooper #2

Robin: What are your Oringins- Damn it, I keep messing up that word.

Everyone: (Laughs)

Y/N: Maybe I not the only one who's been drinking lately.

Nivado: (Chuckles) Ok, lets go again.

Blooper #3 (Interview with Cyborg)

Interview: So Cyborg, what do you think of Y/N?

Cyborg: He's a pretty cool guy. I love hanging out with him on and off set, and he always kicks me and BB's butt at video games.

Interview: Oh, so thats where the scene from chapter 5 came from.

Cyborg: (Chuckles Slightly) Yeah, pretty much.

Blooper #4

Y/N: ... I also witnessed a lot of demonic work.

Raven is supposed to widen her eyes at this comment but does nothing.

Nivado: Uh, Raven you were supposed guesture your eyes after he said that.

Raven: (Chuckles), Oh yeah, sorry.

Everyone: (Chuckles)

Nivado: Ok, lets go again.

Blooper #5 (Interview with Beast Boy)

Interviewer: So Beast Boy, what do you think of Y/N?

Beast Boy: He's a great friend, and he's the only character in the book that finds my jokes funny.

Interviewer: (Laughs), yep I can see why thats a relief!

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