Fights by the Flames

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THALIA HAD ONLY been back for about a week at most. And during that time Veronica had gone out of her way to avoid her. She had basically just been sticking with Clarisse and the rest of her siblings. For she couldn't hang around with Annabeth, since she was always with Thaila.

Veronica had so many questions that needed to be awnsered though. But if she ended up asking them, that meant talking to Thalia. And Veronica couldn't think of anything worse then talking to that traioter.

For years Thalia had been gone, and now just like a click of the fingers...she was back. It just wasn't fair. Not fair to Annabeth, Grover, Veronica or even Luke for that matter.

All that pain and sorrow Thalia had out them through. And for what? Just so she could eventually rise from the dead years after everyone had accepted she was gone.

At the moment Veronica was sitting amongst her siblings, surrounded by the rest of the demigods at camp half blood.

Everyone was singing, laughing and swaying to the music.

Except Veronica.

She was as stiff as a pole, hugging her cherry red jacket closer around her body, staring into the flames.

She was sure that Thalia also had a few questions in mind for her to awnser. For starters...why she was only 15 instead of 18 years old. Since the night Thalia had died she had been 13 years old. And now, five years later She was only 15. She got asked that question quite a lot. Ussuly she just wasn't bothered to explain. So she would ussuly just go with, 'Its all thanks to Ares' and leave it at that.

Veronica knew Thalia was wondering about this, because Annabeth had told her countless of times that Thalia kept asking her.

Pretty soon the night started to wrap up. Most people were gathering up their possessions and walking off in different directions over to their cabins.

Veronica just stayed still.

Clarisse had tried to push her a few times in order to attempt to get her to move off the log she was sitting on. But eventually gave up when she realised Veronica wasn't going to budge any time soon.

The demigods cleared out fast. And pretty soon Veronica was left alone in the cold night air. Alone with her thoughts.

Or so she thought.

"You can't keep freezing me out forever Ronnie. Your going to have to talk to me eventually and you know." Came the voice of a certain raven haired girl.

"Well i'd like to avoid it as best I can." Spoke the blonde harshly, not taking her eyes off the ground.

"What is your problem? I haven't done anything?!" Exclaimed Thalia impatiently, now standing up from where she had been sitting. Which wasn't to far away from Veronica's own seat.

Veronica scoffed, standing up facing Thaila head on. Her ussuly dull blue eyes now ablaze with rage. "Are you kidding me? Five years. It's been five years since you died and now, without a simple warning or anything... your just suddenly back! I'm not just going to pretend like nothing's changed since your back now. I'm not going to go back to how things used to be. I'm not going to just forget all the pain you put me through for the passed five years with getting over your death! I'm not like Annabeth or Grover, who'll forgive you in a moment's notice!" She yelled, her voice becoming louder with every sentence.

"You know what...just suck it up Veronica! Not everything in this world is about you you know. I didn't choose to come back to life. But I'm glad I did. But what you need to understand is that I didn't know this would happen. Nor did I mean to make you suffer for those five years as you said you did." Thaila said, her voice eventually raising to the same loudness as Veronica's.

"Sure." She said sarcastically. Crossing her arms tightly across her chest and stepping closer to Thalia. "I really, really wish you just went back to being dead. Because if you think things are imeadently going to go back to how they used to be. Then your even more delusional then I thought you were." She said through gritted teeth.

Before Thalia could even get a syllable out, Veronica turned on her heal and marched over to the Ares cabin. Most of her siblings were already asleep. But almost all of them woke to the sound of Veronica slamming the door shut and flopping onto her bed.

"Would you shut up Wilson! Some of us are trying to get our beauty sleep." Said an irritable Clarisse from across the cabin, throwing a black pillow towards Veronica. Eventually hitting her in the head.

The small blonde huffed a little. Before throwing the pillow right back at Clarisse with more force. "Maybe you should try another strategy then. Because I've never seen you look beautiful in my life." Veronica could hear Clarisse fumming and a few 'ooh's' were muttered quietly around the cabin.

Clarisse rose from her bed and made her way over towards the blonde. She quickly darted into the bathroom and locked it, so Clarisse wouldn't punch her in the face like she knew she would.

"Your dead tomorrow Veronica. Dead!" Came the angry voice of Clarisse through the door. Although Veronica wasn't scared. She knew that bye tomorrow Clarisse would've gotten over this stupid fight. Because that's just how their friendship worked.

Unlike Thalia.

Now thinking back, maybe she was a bit out of line by telling Thalia she wished she was dead.

No, scratch that...she was way out of line.

Guilt spread through her body quickly, making her feel absolutely sick to her stomach. How could she have been so horrible to her?

For she really didn't do anything wrong...did she?


Kinda a short chapter....mostly a filler though.

Yeah........not much else to say really.....

Adios amigos!😉



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