Daddy who?

89 26 191

Scene: Evening; My house, living room.

So like most evenings, my glorious idiotic self was the only inhabitant of my house during the said period of time.

And, me being me, guess what I was doing?
Hint: Getting bored.

Exactly!!!!!!! Who on earth studies or make themselves useful in some way, when they simply can get bored???!!!!

Homeworks piling up like nobody's business..
But who cares? Right?


Anyways..I would have continued getting bored, but then I got bored of being bored. And unlike what you might think, turns out getting bored is extremely boring!! [Ahh!! Surprise!!Surprise!!] So then I did what I do best~

Irritate my neighbours :P

Except neither my useless lump of a neighbour nor his awesome sister picked up their phones -_-

~Yeah, that idiot has an awesome sister, who was born in the same year as me, although she studies in a class junior to mine.. She will hereon be referred to as RG

Yayyy!!! The Universe totally does not want me to get bored!!! -_-

And as luck could have it, I had not yet entered into the world of Wattpad, so yeah~

I started drawing :D👇

So any ideas who that woman with a book in her hand is? XDXD

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So any ideas who that woman with a book in her hand is? XDXD

I guess not. XDXD

That woman, is none other than Tessa Gray, of The Infernal Devices... married to one of the million loves of my life, Will Herondale.😌😌

Dammmnn..I must really be obsessed with the whole Shadowhunters franchise😳😳



Me: *hums some song*
        *hears the window open*
        *looks up*

RG: Hiii! Rhi did u call us?

JG: Yeah you called!!

Me: I did? I hadn't noticed!!!!! At all!!! Its not like I would get call notifs if I called you people!!! -_-

RG: *grins* Sorry.. His phone was muted XD Anyways I saw your house is locked up..Are you alone right now?

Me: Yup..Are you guys gonna come over? XD

JG: What are you doing?

RG: Nah I can't.. Really gotta finish some stuff, I have procrastinated for 5 days.. Tomorrow's the submission.. T_T But J can go over XD

Me: Ohh XDXD
Uhh...I am strengthening my acting skills XDXD

JG: What are you acting lol?

Me: I am pretending I can actually draw 😌
So are you coming?

JG: I can.. But I won't XP
Well.. unless you dedicate the picture of me XP

Me: -_- You haven't even seen it. And no,forget it, u dnt have to come -_-

JG: Kidding XDXD
Just show it to me lol XD

Me: *holds the drawing up*

JG: *squints* Are you horny? :P

Me: Huh?

RG: *from afar* Rhi is horny????!!!!!!

Me: ...


*basically laughs like it would be the last time he would ever laugh... which he is right by the way. He wouldn't be alive for that*

Me: Seriously??? -_-
And you call yourself a lady-charmer? -_-

JG: I am a charmer for sure ;)
But only when it comes to ladies XDXDXDXD

Me: Wait.. You mean.. You charm yourself? O_O
Well..that does explain.. a lot...
More than I probably should be explained to..

*laughs in a similar manner he previously laughed.. the only difference being in the pitch of the laughter*

JG: *has a coughing fit*

Me: *smiles innocently* Do you need some water?
My exact facial expression being->😌

Moral of the story: Even the lamest comebacks works, if delivered with confidence, as if it is some high-quality comeback.😌


Btw guys, I know some of you might wonder, how I remember these stuff~

1. This happened a few months back.

2. I own a diary where I write my daily life.

Anyways, did you like it? :D

Vote? :*


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