Many have wasted their strength and time in the search for a better life set by the world's standard. And because it's the world's that they're searching, they search by through its worldly wisdom. Sometimes, the search for a better life blinds people to see the great life that they've already been given.
People tend to waste too much time, money, and energy to chase after the things that they think would make them happy. Treasures, fame, relationships, careers, and even the things they don't really want but they think they have to have because that what makes them in trend.
You know that the better life everybody is searching for is just a romanticized version based on the world's temporary happiness. And did you realize? That the world's standard changes from time to time? And when you depend your happiness in that, your happiness will also change.
That's where the struggle lies because you keep on working. You work and work to have what's currently in demand, but the next day, you'd just be surprised that there's something new, an update, a new trend, or a new innovation. And there you go, chasing again.
It's basically just a loop of trying to get hold of vanity that once you get it, you find yourself chasing something else.
But you're better and wiser than that. When you begin to fear the Lord, you will realize that what you've really been needing all along to satisfy the void in yourself has been there since the beginning of time and will never leave. The very thing that will satisfy doesn't need an update or a new version of it. It doesn't change and it will always be greater than whatever new that's going to come. It's the same thing since forever till eternity—God's love. And it is God who is Love Himself.
What we really need aren't the things that this world offers. What we really need is that love that allows us to gain wisdom from Him. His wisdom guides, directs, and instructs us on how to live a full, contented, life for His glory.
His wisdom provides advice for you to have better decisions. It gives melody to make you walk in sync with God's heartbeat. It has the knowledge for discernment on what opportunity to seize. His word is available to give your soul peaceful nights and brighter days. That's what a great life looks like—a life that's lived for the Lord.
The truth is, what will make you contented is not a "better" life that this world offers, but a life lived according to the Lord's purpose for His glory.
Let me tell you that the Bible is your source of that wisdom. Don't take His wisdom for granted because it is complete, and it doesn't lack.
Proverbs 3:21-22: My child, don't lose sight of common sense and discernment. Hang on to them, for they will refresh your soul. They are like jewels on a necklace.
May the Lord bless you and keep you. ♡