FTF 10

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i turned 19 guys 🔥🔥💪🏾💪🏾 🔥🔥

Honest pov.

"It's all about the mother fuckin money!" I sang. Chris was bringing me to my shoot. We was turning up in the car.

Lincoln Harbor is where the shoot is taken place. I'm going to be by water, I know I'm bout to be freezing.

When we arrived I took off my coat revealing my dress for the shoot. My make up and hair was done.

We started immediately. It was kinda hard cause it was cold but I had to get through it.

"Turn your head a little and look straight at the camera." Chris directed. He really thinks he's a director.

It was too cold to argue with him. I did what he said, cause when he helps me out on my shoots, when he does come, my pictures are really good.

"Alright and we're done!" Said Scott the photographer. I quickly got my coat and put it on.

"Come on Chris I'm cold" I said grabbing him.

"Goodnight guys get home safely!" I said waving to them and dragged Chris to the car.

He got in and then started up the car. I was trembling and rubbing my arms to get warm.

Chris turned on the heat and rubbed his hands together before he drove. Then he drove once the car got warmed up.

The car ride was silent with the radio low. All I wanna do is go home eat and sleep.

I heard my song playing. Bust it baby pt 2. I turned it up a little bit.

"I just gave her a nickname its wet wet cause when we finish she mess up all my bed sets..." Chris sang.

"You gotta sing the nasty part right?" I laughed.

He smiled "Nasty is my middle name."

I straight faced him. "No its Maurice."

Bed by J. Holiday came on. They tryna make babies tonight.

He pulled into Popeyes drive thru and ordered food. He paid then we were on our way home. I guess he was hungry too.

Once we got home I went in the shower and then ate my food.

I was sitting on the bed eating while Usher's u got it bad playing. I love me some love songs.

I bit into my chicken it was so spicy just the way I liked it. All my life came on as Chris came out the bathroom.

"Are you depressed?" He asked.

I laughed. "No, just feel like listening to some throwbacks."

He turned around and took out his clothes.

The song ended then Promise by Jagged Edge came on.

"No really who are you thinking about? All in ya feelings and shit."

"I'm not thinking bout anyone, I have no man to think about anyway."

"Cause ya ugly duh."

"Shut up Chris!" I said throwing a pillow at him.

He laughed. "Nah, you know I'm playing with you."

I rolled my eyes and ate my chicken. I picked up my empty box and got up to throw it away.

I came back up and sat back on the bed.

"What time is our flight tomorrow?" I asked.

"5 :40 am."

"Damn so early?"

"Yup, so you better get some sleep."

We were now boarding the plane. I made sure I had my sweater and blanket cause the plane be freezing.

As soon as the plane took off I was out.

it was still a little dark outside when we landed. Ty and Mijo is coming to pick us up.

We exited the plane and got our bags and waited.

Chris phone rang.


"We at the front."

"Aight." He said then he hung up.

"Come on they up there." Chris said pointing towards michaels car.

We walk towards the car. Chris told Ty to open the trunk and he put our bags in there and then got in the car.

Ty drove off.

"How was the flight?" Mijo asked.

"It was bad , this fat lady kept farting."

"Why didn't you guys take the jet?"He asked.

"Cause Honest talking about she wanna ride a plane like a regular person. Almost got jumped by a bunch of girls."Chris said.

Ty and Mijo laughed. "Honest you almost got jumped by some girls?"Ty asked.

"No Chris did, I told him to sit by the window."

"I wanted to sit there but you bullied me for the damn seat."

"How me a GIRL, bully you?"

"You a girl but you hit like a nigga."

I grew up with 3 brothers who taught me how to fight. Chris being one of them. We use to always play fight too. So it's not my fault.

"Too bad. That's why you almost got jumped."

"So how was the honeymoon?" Mijo turned around smiling.

Both Chris and I sucked out teeth. We didn't even respond to them. I just scrolled through Instagram.

"So ya'll not gon answer?"


He turned back around.

When we got infront of my house Chris helped me with my bags inside.

I told them bye and walked inside.

I went upstairs and used the bathroom.
After I finished and washed my hands I walked back into the room and took off my leggings and laid down.

I decided to watch some snaps on snapchat till I fall asleep. Some people snapped me too.

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