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Honest pov.

I made breakfast Chy and I. She came over this morning. We were talking, catching up on what's been going on in each of our lives.

"Awww I'll keep him in my prayers." She said. I was telling her about my father and his condition.

"Thank you. So what's up with you?"

"You know the same being a mother to king and being a girlfriend to Michael. I've been doing a lot of photo shoots and modeling gigs too."She said smiling.

"That's good you doing ya thing. Handling all that."

She nodded. "I try girl." She chuckled.

So how you and Ty?" I asked eating a piece if my pancake.

She shrugged and it was like her whole mood changed. She sighed.

"We're good I guess."

"What you mean "I guess"?"

"It's just a lot of stuff been going on."

"Ty told me. Honestly I think ya'll need a vacation together alone. No King, I'll even watch him for ya'll. Cause ya need to focus on each other and talk to one another." I suggested

She shook her head. "Vacation ain't gonna fix this boo." She said and it sounded like she was about to cry. I put down my fork and looked at her.

"What you mean?"

"I'm saying I think it's time to let us go."I saw a tear fall down her face.

"Over the fact that he comes home late and smelling like females?" I asked. She just continues to cry.

"If it is, he's not cheating Chy. Ty loves you too much to do tgat."

"It's much worse that you know Honest." She said looking at me now sobbing.

I got up and hugged her. I rubbed her back. "It's okay boo. I know it hurts."


I was now home alone . Chy left earlier. I feel so sorry for her cause she is so hurt.

She and Ty are engaged to be married I'm a bridesmaid. I got up off the couch. I guess i'll go see my dad.

I put on some sweat pants and my sneakers. I put my hair in a ponytail and then grabbed my phone, bag and keys.

I turned of all the lights and the tv. I walked out the door. I opened my car and got in. I put my bag in the other seat and started up the car. I turned on the radio but left it low.

Me by Tamia was playing. They was taking it back.

When I reached the hospital I locked my car and walked in. I went to the front desk.

"Hi, you're here for your father?" She asked. I nodded I guess she remembered me.

"Yes ma'am."

"He's in the same room 303."

"Thank you." She nodded. I then walked to the elevator and pressed the up buttob. I waited and then it came. I waited for the people to come off and then went up.

I walked to his room and saw the nurse in there. I didn't see me my mother.

"Hello" She greeted me.

"Hi." I smiled.

She walked out avid then I walked to my fathers side. It still hurts to see him like this.

"Hi daddy." I said hugging him.

"Hi baby." He said hugging me and rubbing my back.

"How you feeling?" I asked him leaning up.

"I feel a little better. The doctor said my heart looks like it's making progress." He explained.

"That's good. I'm praying for you daddy."

"Thank you baby. How are you?"

"I'm good just been worried about you."

"I'm fine baby. God has everything under control. He's taking care of me."

We continued to talk. We laughed talking bout me as a child. He was telling me a story about a time when I didn't wanna wear pants I would run away. See I didn't like clothes from young.

While we were talking I heard the open. I was expecting to see my mom or the nurse or even the doctor, but the person who I saw was not expected.

"Chris!" My father smiled.

"Hey pop." He said smiling locking the door behind him.

I watched his every move from the door to my father. He still hasn't acknowledged me yet. He had a little tan and he died his hair back to blonde.

"Wassup Honest." He said coming to hug me but I didn't hug him back. he looked at me weird.

I'm not his friend right now. I can't stay mad at him for long, but for now we not cool.

Him and my father talked while I sat there on my phone. We then all started to talk and make jokes. My dad might be old but he's funny.


Short I know. Comment and vote.

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