An awkward walk home.

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~ kageyama POV ~
'Uhhhh this dumbass' I thought to myself as I saw Hinata idly staring off into space. He soon realised I was standing above him as he looked up. He quickly jumped waving his arms around and apologising frantically. 'Cute' I began to feel a slight blush creep onto my face. 'No Kageyama this is no time to fantasise' I said mentally slapping myself. But did I really just blush thinking about Hinata. Damn I must really like him.  Uhhh I need to stop spacing out so much.

~ Hinata POV ~
"Kageyamaaaaa!" Has yelled as he just stood there. 'What the hell. He's the one who said he wanted to practice. What an idiot. But obviously my idiot' He walked over to me  (more like stumbled lol)  and we continued practicing our spikes.

~ 3rd POV ~
Practice continued like normal with Kageyama yelling "Hinata BOKE!!" extremely loud.  Suga and  Daichi being all lovey-dovey 🥰 and Tuskkishima making sarcastic comments and Yamaguchi trying to hold back his little snickers. Everything was normal. For now (mwahahaha ^o^ ).

The team parted into there little pairs as they walked home munching on their meat buns they got from Ukai's shop. Hinata was happily swaying from side to side when he accidentally bumped into Kageyama.

~ Hinata POV ~
'Oh shit' I thought as I felt myself bump into a familiar, human-like wall. "Sorry." I nervously blurted out. "Huh oh yeah ok..." What? No yelling or threatening glares. What's wrong with him. "Hey Kageyama are you good?" I asked genuinely worried. I mean we do fight a lot but that doesn't mean I don't care about him. God I wish we'd stop fighting and get along. Then maybe I could have a better chance with him. I waited patiently on his reply till he answered.
"Oh yeah I'm fine. What's up?"
"Uhhh  ok..."
"What's that supposed to mean BOKE!"
"There you go again. Always starting an argument. I wish you'd stop that and stop calling me an idiot. I'm not!"
" Huh 'there you go again' what are you saying. There's nothing wrong with us fighting a lot. We just do ok!"
"All I'm saying is it's better for both of us we just get along!"
"What do you mean it's better for both of us. How is it going to benefit you?"
"Well Kageyama if you stopped fighting I'd maybe have a chance with" Fuck I said it.  I blurt things out under pressure but why did it have to be that.

~  Kageyama POV ~
Wait rewind. What did he say, "A-a better c-chance with me.  What-what are you saying?"

~ Hinata POV ~
"Fine I like you is that what you wanna hear. I have liked you for so long. And you didn't notice ok! There I said it. I hope your happy."
I stormed of no I ran with such power I almost fell over. I never dared to stop or look back. I hate this, I had nightmares of this, nightmares of his disgusted face as I confessed. I don't want to see him. I don't want to see his face. Ahhhh FML.

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