Chapter 3- Meeting Professer Tyler

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The sun was slowly sinking, casting a bright orange and yellow glow across the ocean. "Were almost there. It's just over there", Harper said. Harper and Xavier pushed the grass aside to reveal a large wooden shack. "Usually Professor KuKui is here with Lillie, but his assistant runs the place for now", Harper said. "Alright", Xavier said. They opened the door to see a Buneary and a Turret running around while an orange haired boy wearing a surskit shirt, blue sweatpants and a part of Buneary slippers. "Furret! Come back!", he exclaimed, chasing the Furret around. "Hi Professor Tyler!", Harper said. He turned and saw the 2 kids in the doorway. "Ah, Tyler! Good to see you! I see you brought a friend" Tyler said. "Yeah. This is Xavier. He just moved from Kalos", Harper said. "That's cool. So, what brings you to my lab?", Tyler asked. "Well, sir, i need a pokedex and some pokeballs", Xavier asked. "Easy stuff. It's downstairs on my desk. Feel free to take it", Tyler said. "Thank you", Xavier said, walking down the stairs. It was a lot quieter down there than it was upstairs. A large case that held a Master Ball, locked away by a combination. Xavier looked around and found the desk that had the pokedex and 5 pokeballs. "There", Xavier said, grabbing the pokedex and putting the pokeballs in his bag. Xavier walked back upstairs to see Harper and Tyler each holding a pokemon, trying to calm them down. "Did you get the stuff?", Tyler asked. "Yeah", Xavier said. Tyler looked at his watch. "Oh would you look at the time. You boys should get going before it gets too dark out", Tyler said. "Yeah, we better go", Harper said, setting the now sleeping Furret down on a couch cushion. "See you later Tyler", Harper said. "You to", Tyler said, setting the Buneary down. Harper and Tyler left the shack and began to walk home. "Tyler wait, i want to give you something", Harper said. Harper reached into his pocket and gave Xavier a green device. "What is it?", Xavier asked. "It's a Ride Pager. It lets your ride pokemon around and helps you in situations. It has a Tauros registered in it so you can break rocks, which will help tomorrow", Harper said. "How?", Xavier asked. "Cause were going to Ten Carat Hill to catch you a pokemon, and there are a lot of rocks there", Harper said. "Thanks! Well, i'll see you tomorrow", Xavier said. "You to. We'll meet at the Bakery", Harper said, walking through the grass and back to his house. Xavier looked down at the device and put it into his pocket as he walked back to his house.

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