Chapter 4- The First Alolan Pokemon!

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The sun rose after a long night and Xavier woke up, ready to catch his first alolan pokemon. He quickly through on a white t-shirt and a ripped pair of blue jeans. He grabbed his bag and the pokeball that held Lucario and ran out the door. "Harper said to meet up at the Bakery, just gotta hurry", Xavier said, running down the dirt road, which then turned into solid pavement beneath his feet. In the distance, he could see Harper, wearing the same clothes from yesterday. "Harper!", Xavier yelled out. Harper looked in his direction and waved. "Ready to go catch your first alolan pokemon?", Harper asked. "Yeah. This is gonna be so exciting!", Xavier exclaimed. "Alright, you know that Ride Pager I gave you?", Harper asked. "Yeah", Xavier said. "Were gonna use that to get to Ten Carat Hill", Harper said.
"How?", Xavier asked. Harper pushed a button labeled "Tauros". All of a sudden, a tauros came up beside him, and Harper hopped on. "Come on! It'll be fun once you get used to it", Harper said. Xavier pushed the button and a Tauros came up beside him. Xavier hopped on and rode up beside Harper. "Let's go!", Harper exclaimed riding off to Ten Carat Hill. Xavier followed behind Harper as they made their way to Ten Carat Hill.

"Were here!", Harper said, slowing down. Xavier came to a stop beside Harper and they both hopped off. "Look!", Harper said. Xavier looked at where Harper was looking and saw the grass moving. "Go get it!", Harper said. Xavier slowly walked through the tall grass, when it suddenly pounced on him. Xavier fell to the ground, but sat back up quickly. The pokemon was small, brown and looked like a puppy. "It's a rockruff!", Harper exclaimed. Xavier quickly reached into his bag and grabbed a pokeball. He threw the pokeball at the rockruff, which landed at the feet of the pokemon. The rockruff turned red and dissappeared into the pokeball. It began to shake around on the ground, until it clicked. Harper ran up beside him. "Did you get it?", Harper asked. "Yeah. My first alolan pokemon", Xavier said. "Alright!", Harper exclaimed. "What now?", Xavier asked. "We can explore the island for now, cause I got some tickets for the ferry to take us to Akala Island", Harper said said. "Nice!", Xavier said. "Now, lets go explore!".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 ⏰

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