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third person - narrator

Everything was back to normal.

Well, for the most part.

When out of sight, Arthur and Merlin sneaked a kiss or two. The kisses were always little pecks, no longer than five seconds, but each one was filled with so much affection and loyalty.

Arthur had also been letting up on Merlin's chores. He still had some, of course, but they were less strenuous and took up less of his day. When Merlin had asked about it after the first few days, Arthur voiced how wrong he felt making his boyfriend do so much. Merlin has blushed at the word "boyfriend" before giving Arthur a gentle kiss.

With the lack of chores, Merlin had more free time. He would spend a portion of it hanging around other servants, Gwen, and Gaius. The other portion he spent with Arthur.

The two would sit in Arthur's chambers and talk, laugh, and just be happy. When Arthur would write letters, Merlin held his free hand. Sometimes, Arthur would read to Merlin. His voice soft and comforting.

Over the course of the last two weeks, people had noticed the sudden drop in chores Merlin had everyday.

When Gaius has asked, Merlin just shrugged it off saying, "I guess Arthur finally grew a heart." Gaius just let out a short chuckle and ignored the tiny wince Merlin suffered.

Now that they were dating, Merlin felt wrong talking bad about Arthur. Of course, he always meant it in good fun when talking to Gaius or Gwen but it still felt off.

He still called Arthur silly names to his face, ones Arthur returned with a dumbstruck expression and a laugh.

Along with Gaius, Gwen has noticed. She raised an eyebrow every now and then. Merlin would just laugh and gently shove her.

Merlin made it clear that he didn't care that those two had noticed the change enough to comment on it with his carefree nature and jokes. He did, however, make it clear that he would care if the King ever commented on it. Whenever he saw the King, he'd quickly busy himself with whatever was near or tell a servant how swamped he was with chores.

Merlin knocked on Arthur's door gently before entering. He had just finished his last chore and was bringing Arthur his dinner. He placed the food down on the table.

"Merlin," Arthur breathed, getting up from his desk and pulling Merlin into a hug. They pulled back after a moment, all small smiles and sparkling eyes.

"Your dinner." Merlin gestured to the table with his head lazily, hands still resting over Arthur's shoulders. Arthur ignored the food and once again pulled Merlin in. His hands gently squeezed Merlin's hips as they kissed.

Just like all the others, this kiss was short but so full of admiration. So full of adoration and trust. And just like the others, when they pulled away, a certain stillness filled the air. Eyes stayed closed and foreheads rested together.

And hearts beat as one.


Morgana and Gwen slowly got closer.

There was still a hesitant aura around Morgana when she got a little too close to Gwen or when they were out around the castle together.

But they were making progress and that was all that mattered.

Over the last two weeks, the two woman never hid their glances. Morgana would catch Gwen staring while she did her makeup but now, Gwen never looked away. She just smiled softly and continue her admiring.

Similarity, Gwen would catch Morgana staring when she bumbled around the room in a rush, an amused smile gracing her lips.

Dressing and bathing had gotten strange. Gwen has never seen Morgana fully naked. She always averted her eyes as her lady undressed and entered the tub, when she held up the towel, or when she buttoned up a dress. It was just different now.

Both their faces would be tinted red, Morgana's more noticeable than Gwen's. Gwen would stutter over a word or two with a nervous giggle.

At one point, after Gwen had unbuttoned Morgana's dress, Morgana let the garment fall to the floor without going behind the shoji screen.

Gwen had gasped before looking away, dark skin heating up and red tinting her cheeks. Morgana just laughed as she changed behind the shoji screen, apologizing for the shock.

"I don't mind," was all Gwen said. From behind the screen, Morgana smiled fondly through her blush.

Soon, Gwen stayed longer and longer every day. The two woman never did anything intimate as they were still shying away from an actual relationship. They just sat together while Morgana did some work or organized her jewelry.

A few times, Morgana invited Gwen to lay with her. Gwen always accepted. They would lay side by side in silence. Every time, Morgana would grab Gwen's hand and squeeze.

They only laid together for an hour or two, eyes fighting to stay open so they wouldn't be caught.

It didn't matter though. Morgana and Gwen both let their guards down and relaxed despite the gnawing thought of the law in the back of their minds.

It didn't matter because they were happier than they had ever been.



I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

Also, thank you so much for 200+ reads <3 <3

You're all so amazing and I appreciate the support!!!

Like I said last week, school started and I'm in multiple high level classes so updates might progressively get slower as the workload gets bigger.

Along with that I've also had like 10+ new ideas for oneshots for a different show and they have been taking up some of my time.

I straight up suck at motivating myself to do anything mskakfkf but all your support is soooooo helpful!!

Sorry for like complaining or whatever at the end of every chapter, I know nobody really cares skkdjfk.

Anyway, thank you for reading ^.^

I hope you have a super day/night!!

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