I ~ The Beginning

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It was quite a boring day at school. Listening to a teacher drone on all day about our history, is not exactly something I would consider 'fun'. Especially if said teacher was heavily biased, for a history teacher. He completely ignored my views on the world, which put me in the position where I'm in now, failing his class.

I could, of course, go home and talk to my parents about it, although I don't exactly have any parents. I live by myself, provide for myself, and make decisions with myself. If you are asking yourself if I am old enough to do so, the answer is no. I'm 16 years old, a tad too young to be living in my own. You can go complain to the government. Not like they'll do anything, but you can try.

My relationship with the English teacher isn't much better. I'm failing his class as well. Apparently he doesn't enjoy my views either, despite my ever-lasting love for reading. We have had multiple heated arguments about this particular topic, most of them ending with me, in detention, for an hour.

And then there's science. My least favorite class of them all. Every single part of science, I disagree with. Every single science teacher has tried to get me expelled from the school. What can I say? Some discussions can go downhill fast. Far past the point of no return, one might say.

By this point, Mr. Halsote, the history teacher, had finished his lecture. I admittedly had not listened to most of said lecture, but the final remark he made stuck with me for the rest of the day.
"Remember, never take anything you read for real. Nothing good shall ever come out of that."

I gather my things, exit the building, and start walking 'home'. On my way back to the apartment I can't help but have this feeling of constantly being watched. I look around me, across the street, and I even peer through the windows at ground level. Nobody. What did I expect? Most of the buildings 'round here are abandoned.

I finally find my way back to the apartment building. I check in, and head up to my room. There's nobody in the halls. Not even one officer. Normally the officers march up and down each and every hallway. Only to make sure we all are supposed to be here. This building has been robbed, infiltrated, and targeted by outlaws ever since they increased security more times than I can count.

As I finish make it to my room, I am greeted by a tall man dressed in a black hoodie. I can barely make out his eyes under the hood, let alone his hair.
'Great. Another outlaw,' I thought. The man comes up to me and shoves a book into my hands. He then walks away, towards the direction of the front door.

The book is a beautiful maroon color, with glistening golden text spelling out the title. As old as the book may be, it has been kept in pristine condition. I open the book, to find a hand written note on the inside cover.
'To my lovely apprentice. May your adventure start here.'

Why would he give me this? What sort of guy randomly walks up to people and gives them books that were ment for someone else? Is he drunk or something?
'Whatever,' I told myself. As long as I have a book to read, I might As well read it.

As I begin to read, this sudden feeling of familiarity floods my head. Why does it feel like I've read this before? No, that's not the familiar feeling. It has to be something else...

As I continue reading, I start drifting off into a deep, deep, sleep. My head was rested on the pages, as if the book was the softest pillow you shall ever find. Unbeknownst to me, the book started faintly glowing, just as the clock struck one. The last thing I remember is falling through the sky, headfirst into the unsuspecting land below.

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