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Holidays are the only blissful days when our bodies feel the touch of tender and hard couches to relax. We get an opportunity to binge read or pursue our hobbies. Sadly they disappear in a blink  and the working days revisits with seemingly never ending chain of hustle , toil and time limits .

Everyone always desires to have never ending holidays. I had been one of them. Continuous array of holidays used to be in my daily prayers. Intially like everyone, I also believed the idea to be crazy.  Surprisingly this took a shape.

Last year ,that is in 2020 ,a pandemic of the disease covid-19, spreaded all across the globe forcing every public place to be shut down. People were advised to remain away from each other as much as possible. Of course a lockdown was  imposed forcing everyone to remain at home most of the time.

These impositions did not bother me. I am an introvert. I love to live with  books and music. They disconnected me from the chaotic world.

These events elated me. Finally, I would be idling around and no one would  reprimand me for it given that I study on alloted time lest I should be sure to be scolded.

The very first idea that hit my mind was to sit in my garden. I do not remember the reason. Maybe I wanted myself to contemplate or to observe butterflies. Then I repaired to my room where I laid on the bed planning about the forthcoming days.
As expected I failed to implement my plans. Lethargy smothered my constitution and I always had day dreams.

The first two months were very comfortable to me. I counted every tree,every sapling and every bird in visiting my garden. I really love nature. Her music is better than any music I hear.

However slowly I felt  stifling. I felt solitude like a curse. I had no one to talk to. My cousins and friends were away from me . I couldn't meet anyone. A phone call became insufficient to me . I wanted to see them physically. My heart throbbed hard at the thought of utter confinement. I wanted myself to be free. This was truly a confinement. A confinement which is psychological and physical. I was silently depressed. My hatred for the world was lost. I wanted to go out and breathe the sweet winds of meadows. I badly wanted to hear the shrill voices of children playing and women gossiping in the alleys of the neighbourhood. But it seemed like a distant past.

Fortunately, my mother understood my emotions. Thanks to the unlocking period, she arranged for a long family drive. I saw the birds flying around. They were screeching. The trees seemed to dance and race with us. Young lads cycled and yelled. It was the first day after nine months that I met the world again to drink the sweet elixir of life.But above all I could feel the infinity of the great world embracing me like my mother .

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