I have never thought highly of girls.

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I have never thought highly of girls.

The girls of my class seemed obnoxious. They sounded funny and never had looks to attract my attention. Besides, none could compete with me academically. I was just so much better than them in intellect. Even my elder sister wasn't as intellectually gifted as I am.

It was spring. The weather was cool .My head was pulsating with mild anticipation. Cold winds fluttered my muffler around my neck as I walked through the busy streets. After a walk of about half an hour, I arrived at my exam centre.I had to take a school leaving exam. It was a long drawn one.

It knocked at the entrance. The chubby gatekeeper from behind examined my i.d. and let me inside a huge well lit enclosure. It was filled with huge trees . Leaves danced with the wind and birds wove a melody in the sullen world of humans. The yard lead to the hallway. I checked my seat number .

A girl went past me while I was checking the seating arrangement list. She wore a red necktie, her hair was plaited. She seemed to be as tall as what I am. Six feet. Maybe she was a bit shorter. Her light brown shone through the hallway.

I shrugged off her thoughts ,walked casually to my hall , searched for my seat and sat there. The girl sat next to me. She waved her head to and fro slowly. Her bright hazel eyes seemed to observe the whole room but me. My eyes could not help but look at her.

"Bhai , she is out of your reach", a voice croacked.

I turned my head facing a chubby guy.

"Get away you dummy", shooed the girl.

Our exams started. All of us were had become sullen. The paper was difficult. Infact I could not answer it satisfactorily.

I sensed someone was looking at me. Turned my head and my eyes faced hers. Her eyes were teary. "Please help me. With any question you want . Please ."


The reply was curt. It should be. I disliked how rudely she retaliated at the guy's comment. It felt so conceited.

She returned to answering the paper.

The bell rang and our exam came to an end. As I was walking across the hallway. I saw that chubby lad ambling. This time he had some other friends . We greeted each other and I joined his group to my locality.

"That girl . She must be very proud.", I said, remembering her retaliation to the boy's speech.
"That's obvious. She is pretty."

The girl was Ritwika. She was the topper of her class. As the guy said, almost everyone of her batchmate was attracted to her. He was too. Many of the guys did ask her out. She outright rejected them.

The next day had the same routine. We sat at our respective benches and waited for our invigilators.

"Hey ." a sweet polite voice spoke.
"Where are you from?"
"I am from this town. Where are you from?"
"Chandannagore. Whats your name? I am Ritwika" and she propped her right hand.
"I am Deepak.",said I while shaking her hand.
The invigilator took too much time to arrive . Amongst the cacophony of tensed students reading, I was pretty much relaxed.

Having no other options to kill time I chose to carry on the conversation.
"You commute for a long time."
"I do." She smiled.
"So what subject are you going to pursue?"
"History. I look forward to be a Civil Servant."
"That's impressive. I also have an interest in the subject. But I am going to appear for medical entrance tests as well. I wanna persue medicine."

A brief pause. She continued " Alauddin Khalji , he must have been an evil ruler. Interested only in wine and women."

"Actually no. Movies generally fictionalise historical characters. He was kind of a benevolent despot."

I went on explaining many other things about history.Her eyes focussed on each and every word I uttered. At times her head bobbled suggesting concurrence.

After our exam ended. I bid Ritwika goodbye and walked upto the gate. The chubby guy, Shivam had already left the centre. So this time, I was lonely. A cycle rang its bell.As I turned around waiting for the cycle to scoot past me , I met Ritwika again. She waved her slender hands at me.We walked through the streets talking about hobbies and ambitions. She felt sort of happy when I told her that I was a topper at my school too.

The train station arrived and we separated our ways again. This went on for a few more exams. At times we joked or shared stories amongst ourselves. Oneday we exchanged our numbers.

All the other examinees including Shivam and my friends took notice of it. I cannot help. I enjoy her company. She is so intellectually enriched. Her voice and gait express a refinement to its best. She seemed to enjoy it as well. We texted each other every night wishing each other for the best performance our luck could let us.

"Where's your girlfriend?"
"Shut up dude! We are just friends". She arrived by the time I finished speaking. The guy left with a sly half smile.

Oneday as we were talking about our coveted colleges, I said "I am afraid that I am not here for any longer. My parents will shift to Bengaluru."

I still think that it was one of the greatest mistakes I made. As soon as my words were suspended in the air, her hazel eyes glistened . Her eyes tried to conceal her desolation. Ultimately tears began to roll down her eyes like radiant pearls on a sunny day.

"I thought we will ." Her voice broke down. She could speak no more.Her eyes told that I had broken her trust. Everything until today were a stack of cards.

A few more days passed. We decided to cherish each moment we could together. Oneday my sister said ," I know that you are in love with her. But I tell you do not be too involved in these . They will take you out of track."

"Oh no didi. Do not mistake this for someting else. Its just platonic."

Didi smirked." I understand everything."

That thought did not leave my mind. Maybe, she could be unintentionally distracting me . I have to get out of here.

When I met Ritwika I candidly said her everything.
"What do you mean? How could we be distracted?"
"Listen, we have our ambitions. Do you want to jeopardise our labour all previous years ?"

She finally gave in. No ambitious student can risk his or her academics at the cost of anything. Academics are a path to a stable profession . How could we? And so we deleted each others contact.

That was our last day. With all contacts cut off, my heart ached to meet her the last time. She came up to me. Her eyes glinted with the affection I had never seen before.

"So this is our last meeting. Farewell. Hope you fulfil your ambitions." She broke down.
Crying profusely.

I gently touched her cheek with my right palm . Wiped her dejected tears and said,

" Do not worry. We will surely meet again."

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