chapter 8

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as me and cedric were hugging, i heard footsteps outside. we froze.

"someones coming." i whispered.

cedric started laughing uncontrollably and i covered his mouth with my hand.

"shut up!" i whispered.

"come on, mrs norris." filch said.

a book fell off the shelf next to us and onto the floor. my eyes widened and i couldn't contain my laughter anymore. the steps because quieter until they were no longer audible. when the cost was clear we burst out laughing, i pushed the door open and we fell out, stumbling out of the closet.

"that was amazing." cedric laughed.

"imagine if filch had caught us." i laughed back.

"hungry?" cedric grinned.

"yeah." i smiled.

we walked down to the great hall, still laughing about what had just happened. i missed cedric, i was glad we were friends again.

we got to the large doors that entered into the hall, i looked towards cedric.

"right then, this is where we part out ways." i laughed.

"i mean, we don't have to sit separately." cedric smiled, nudging me in the ribs.

"what do you mean?" i whispered.

"introduce me to your friends." he said, looking at me with a bright smile.

"are you sure? they can be quite judgemental,," i laughed, rolling my eyes.

"I'm friends with you, aren't i?" he laughed.

"hey!" i shouted, hitting his arm.

"alright, come on." i said smiling, leading him down to the slytherin table.

"hi, lou?" i said, tapping louisa on the shoulder.

"_____ ! its good to see you," she turned and saw cedric, "and who's this?" she whispered.

i sat down opposite louisa and patted the spot next to me, motioning for cedric to sit down next to me.

"this is my friend, cedric." i said proudly.

"oh yes, of course! from the boat." louisa said smiling.

"he's cute!" louisa mouthed to me from across the table.

i rolled my eyes and kicked her from under the table.

i expected to get more glares from my fellow slytherin classmates that i actually did. cedric behaved and got along with my friends, which i was very thankful for.


time skip to around november


it was finally the weekend. all of the third years were allowed to go to hogsmeade today. usually i just go with louisa, but this year i have cedric and a few of his friends. over the last month cedric and i have been basically inseparable. my friends have warmed up to him now, and i even sat at the hufflepuff table a few times. cedric wasn't lying when he said he was gonna change me, he's been lecturing me about the 'damaging effects of the word mudblood'.

"third years over here please!" mcgonnagal called. "okay, hand your permission slips to me and we will set off."

obviously my parents would never have signed the permission slip allowing me to go to hogsmeade, that's why its fortunate that I'm very skilled at copying peoples handwriting and signatures.

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