chapter 63

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it was no surprise that ____ couldn't sleep. she often found it difficult to get a good night's rest in her own bed, yet alone the great hall where she was sleeping on the floor, not to mention how many students were snoring — you could have created an orchestra with the volume they were reaching.

she stared up at the ceiling. the girl, although she was now on her fifth year at hogwarts, had never actually had the time to admire the bewitched sky that decorated the great hall. anyone who visited hogwarts would always know how beautiful the castle and ground were, but it was all so overwhelming and they often found no time at all to properly noticed the small details and elegance that was cast upon the grounds.

"lou?" ____ whispered.

____ already knew that the light-haired girl was awake. she could see her stirring and fiddling with the loose ends of her hair. she let out a small laugh as she turned over to face her ____-eyed best friend.

"can't sleep either?" louisa asked.

"no, i never can." ____ laughed quietly, "hey, i feel like we haven't spoke in ages."

"same, i've missed you." louisa smiled.

"i guess loads of stuff has been happening and i've never really had time to just sit down. i've had quidditch practice nonstop, then me and cedric got in that argument, everything's fine now by the way, and that sirius black stuff." ____ said.

"yeah, it's okay, i understand. thing's aren't how they used to be. before three-year, everything used to be so simple." louisa laughed.

"yeah, seems like ever since we became friends with cedric and luke, everything got interesting. well, and with THE harry potter joining the school." the other girl laughed sarcastically.

"maybe we should have stayed out of their way." louisa laughed, covering her mouth to stop herself from making too much noise.

"percy's coming. quick, play dead." ____ grinned.

the school talked of nothing but sirius black for the next few days. the theories about how he had entered the castle became wilder and wilder.

the flat lady's ripped canvas had been taken off the wall and replaced with the portrait of sir cadogan and his fat grey pony. nobody was very happy about this. sir cadogan spent half of his time challenging people to duels, and the rest thinking up ridiculously complicated passwords, which he changed at least twice a day.

"the fat lady wasn't perfect, her singing was dreadful-" fred began to say.

"but she was a lot better than sir cardigan, that's for sure." george finished off.

"it's cadogan, sir cadogan." louisa corrected him.

"same thing." george laughed.

"sir cardigan has a nice ring to it." ____ grinned.

"call him that and he'll definitely attempt to fight you, him and that great lump of a horse." cedric said.

"oh yes, what a lovely horse." the girl said sarcastically.

"alright? ready for the match on saturday?" oliver wood joined that group, directing his question to his two beaters.

"you know-"

"wood, the real question is if you're ready to play me again." ____ smirked.

"we'll see who wins, silverstein. but i think we all know i'm a better captain than flint." oliver grinned.

"is that why you haven't won the cup?" the girl said sarcastically, "sorry, must have hit a sensitive spot."

"this year we'll win, you'll see." oliver winked.

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