chapter 41

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the four waited at the door, their adrenaline running high. their heartbeats could be heard from outside the room.

"AHA- oh."

snape shouted as he entered the classroom. the group of fourth-years waited by the table, ready to receive their punishment — but snape didn't seem to notice them.

"i could swear they came in here.. there was even footsteps.." the dark-haired man muttered to himself as he looked around.

his dark black eyes glossed over the group. how did he not see them? they were right in front of the man.. maybe he was playing some sort of joke on them? snape, a joke, yeah no way.

cedric stared at ____ with a very puzzled look, she sent back the same look.

"can he not see us or something?" cho whispered so quietly it was nearly inaudible.

the man spun around swiftly, his black cloak following his movement. he quickly left the old classroom, slamming the door behind him. the four let out a large sigh which none of them realised they had been holding in.

"what just happened-" adrian asked as he sat on the table.

"it's like we were invisible.." cho mumbled.

"did any of you use a charm to make us invisible or something?" cedric asked.

"no - but i still don't think this is the biggest of our concerns." the girl said as she pointed to the red book.

"who would have been in the common room to take that picture of us?" adrian said.

"no one, it was empty." cho replied.

"i need another coffee." ____ muttered as she rubbed her temples.

"yeah, me too, i'm feeling a little un-easy." said cho.

"this christmas isn't off to a good start." cedric laughed awkwardly.

"let's go." adrian got up from the table.

"should we bring the book?" cho asked.

"i don't think they will be going anywhere, the person - or thing - that made the book wanted us to find it, so i don't think they will get rid of it." cedric explained.

"we know how to get here so we don't have to worry about loosing the classroom." adrian walked to the door and opened it, making sure no one saw him exit.

cho got up and followed behind him.

"come on." cedric held his hand out to the girl who was sat on the wooden table.

she took the boy's hand as he helped her down from the table. they left the dark classroom hand-in-hand as they attempted to catch up with their friends.

they entered the great hall. it was quite busy, the tables were filled with tall stacks of every food you would ever want. the fourth-year's eyes widened as they spotted the greasy-haired man who was sat at the long table full of other teachers.

"let's just sneak into the kitchen, we can avoid snape that way." ____ said a little too loudly, gathering multiple students attention.

"shush!" cho whisper-shouted as she put her finger over the girl's lips.

"sorry." she mouthed back, giggling.

they all sneaked back to the kitchens, making sure to avoid everyone. once they reached the kitchen, ____ and cho split off from the boys. they were the best at getting food out of the four. cedric and adrian were left stood outside, guarding the girls.

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