chapter nine( final chapter)

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Chapter nine
Six months later, Laylah delivered a girl; she named her after her mother and called her Ummi meaning mother. Two weeks later, she decided to return to Zaria. It was a long journey for her, on her way, so many thoughts were running through her mind, ‘will her father forgive her, will he be happy to see her, what will be his reaction on seeing her child and aunty Salma, will she still insult her ?’ she had so many questions which she did not know their answers,
When she got to her father’s house, she did not see anybody there, and then she asked one of the neighbors
“Good morning madam, please do you perhaps know where the people in this house have gone to”
“Good morning dear, who are you looking for? Nobody stays in that house for two years now, which is what I heard”
“Alright then do you have any news why?”
“Well the only thing I know was that, the man died from a heart attack as a result of the disappearance of his daughter and the woman has returned to her parent’s house, that’s all but why are you looking for them, do you know them?”
“Yes I do, my name is Laylah, and I am his daughter”
“But where did you go to and this child? Did you get married? , because people said you were not married so how did you get this child?”
“Come with me I’ll tell you” they both entered the house and laylah told the woman her story and why she had to come back
“Child you really shouldn’t have done this, look at what you did to your life and how will you take care of this child”
“Please help me out, I don’t have anyone left”
“Ok stop crying I’ll bring some food for you then we will talk”
“Thank you ma” The woman left laylah and her daughter to rest and she went to bring food for her.
When the woman retuned, all she could do was to shout “INNALILLAHI WA INNA ILLAIHI RAJI’UN, what have you done to yourself, this poor child how will she feel if she hears your story, may your soul rest in peace” she took the child but as she was carrying the child she saw a note, she opened it and read

“please forgive me my child, I am really sorry I had to do this, I could not stand the humiliation in this world especially when you ask me about your father, I can’t live like this knowing that I am the cause of my father’s death, I would have to beg my father for forgiveness and I have something I want to ask from you, always be a good child, do whatever you are asked to do and no matter the hardship you will face don’t try to leave home and also when you have your own children don’t ever force them to do what they don’t want especially if it concerns their life, try to hear their own point or opinion because if you force them it might ruin their life and also ruin yours how it ruins mine and always remember that no matter how high a stone goes it will surely come down, make me proud of you, may God bless you and I wish you the best in your life”

The woman started crying after reading this note, as she ran out to call some people for help. Laylah committed suicide and because her child was still too young to be taken care of by another woman except a mother died after three days.

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