Chapter 2- An Interesting Encounter

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"Geez Monika, why are you always running out of gas for your motorcycle?" I thought to myself. I really need to start saving up more yen for my priorities and not my desires. "Gas can be pretty expensive..." I muttered to myself. Just then, I see Sayori walking down the hall by herself. "Why is she alone? I thought she walks with Natsuki?" I questioned. "AHHH MONIKA! OMG HI, I SAW YOU AND YOUR COOL MOTORCYCLE!!!'' a bunch of my "friends" screamed. Yup, I was pretty much the most popular girl in our grade. I don't care much for popularity, it seems a bit too much for me. I'd rather just have a few of my closest friends than have a lot of people always wanting to be my friend. "Ahaha, thanks guys, but I really gotta meet up with a friend of mine, but we'll chat later, ok?" As I say that, I slowly start to walk away, and then go off into a full sprint. When I thought the coast was clear, I slowed down. I looked back to make sure that those girls were out of my sight, but then I bumped into somebody. "Eek!", a familiar voice squealed. "Huh?!" I turned to look, not only to find Sayori, but me on top of her. IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE 12TH GRADE. "M-Monika?!", Sayori stuttered, her face crimson red.  Everybody was staring at us, and some people even had their phones out. "O-Oh my god Sayori. I'm so sorry...", I stuttered, and I felt my face heat up. I never have felt this way before. This can't be real. I got off Sayori and helped her get up. "U-Uh, I'll see you at club later, M-Monika!" Sayori rushed away just in time before the laughs came. "You do know you technically laid Sayori, right?", Natsuki said. "What?! Laid her?! N-No!", I blushed furiously. "And plus, where were you? I thought you and Sayori walked together to school!", I exclaimed. "Well, we did, and then she ran off because she saw you riding your motorcycle to school. She wanted to catch up with you and I just lost her, I guess.", Natsuki shrugged. "Ok then..", I suspiciously eye her. "Not sure if that's true, but oh well.", I pondered to myself.

", I pondered to myself

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My friend was going to do this chapter, but she didn't have time. So I did it, because why not? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Chapter 3 is coming pretty soon, hopefully! This time, my friend is doing it, for real. Ok, bye for now. UwU


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

b y e .


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