Chapter 3:Mission N

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Tiffany's P.O.V

No!Not today! And please not in this place!
I thought to my self

Oh no~My period arrive today~
Aaaaiiissshhh! I don't have my 'girl stuffs'.

I stayed in the bathroom for about 5 minutes while Suho kept knocking the door and asking me why am I taking too long.

"Tiffany! What are you doing in there?!"Suho shouted as he knocked and twisted the doorknob several times.I stand infront of the closed-door." arrived"I said as I put my palms in my face because of embarrasment.

"What arrived noona?"Aaaaiiissshhh Sehun is outside too.

What am I going to do?!~

Suho's P.O.V

"Tiffany! What are you doing in there?!"I shouted as I knocked and twisted the doorknob of the bathroom door several times.

"ahm...Suho~It arrived"Tiffany replied in a shy voice.What's wrong with her?And What arrived?

Then I felt Sehun giggling right next to me.

Then Sehun leaned his ear in the door same as me,Then he asked,
"What arrived noona?"He asked as he controlled his laughter.

"umm~the private girl thingy..."
Tiffany replied then I heard her sigh deeply.

Sehun and I exchange looks.

"What do you need?"I asked.

"ahm~n-napkin..."She replied as Sehun laughed quietly.






I bid goodbye to my members;I was gonna hop inside my car when I suddenly saw Baekhyun;He was skipping happily as he smiled very wide and jolly.Then I realized he was coming near me.

He tapped my back.

"*sigh*Why is she so beautiful hyung? I..I think I'm falling for her~
falling for her a flowing...A
flowing..."He said as he signaled his
‘finish my sentence‘ hand.

"A flowing...a flowing girl's mentstration...keke"I answered as I put my arms on his shiulders.

"Hyung! What are you talking about?!"He exclaimed "You have a period too?! I thought Luhan hyung only has that in EXO~XD"He said insulting as we laugh for awhile.

"Next time...don't talk about the members like that!"I slowly poke his forehead as he nodded.

I am here with Baekhyun at the supermarket to buy...n-napkins.
Actually he didn't want to,but I forced him~XD

Wait!What kind of napkin should I buy? The soft one or the big and long like? or the one with colors or--

"SUHO! look at this kind of napkin~"
He said makung his hands move in a ‘come here‘ wave.He pointed the girl in the napkin.

"What about that?"I asked then leaned closer to the napkin Baekhyun was holding and scanned it.But in a sudden,he pushed the napkin directly to my mouth.

@:!#%!!! He laughed hard not minding his leader's nose was already flat.

By the way,We are wearing a disguise. keke! I'm wearing an old man hair wig as Baekhyun woar a glass and a pair of mostouche.keke! no one noticed!

I grabbed 3 packs of Charming napkins (the soft ones),5 Lead-the-flow napkin (night use/big and long one),3 Attrakit napkins (colourful ones).5 etc.

/(Lol! w/ the napkin names)\

uggghhh~I hate this! I just bought them because--I WANT TO TRY ONE!


duh...-…- I bought them because I don't know what Tiffany uses! and why should I need to know that?!


YES! Mission Napkin accomplished! 

Baekhyun and I were heading towards my car when suddenly....

"Ughhh! Eunji?!"I screamed 

What is Eunji doing here?! Is she my stalker?!  Aisshhh~

"Hyung~Wha--Why--?? What's going on?!"Baekhyun asked as he look like this --> @.@

"Baekhyun oppa! didn't you know the news? Me and Suho are a couple now~" Eunji said as she wrap her arms around my neck.

"The @#$%&*"Baekhyun said as he put his arms in his forehead.


A/N Note:

Hellow Watty People! so....a very long update occur this story~I'm trully sorry~ T.T
And Yeah....very short update...Sorry...AGAIN! 

Hope you enjoyed it~ :) Saranghae :) 
<Free Qoute:You're not well dressed without a smile> 


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