Chapter 3

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"Sodapop, look!" I whisper-shouted to him as I rolled to my side on the grass.
"What is it?" Soda asked as he looked at me with a smile.
"It's a butterfly." I whispered as I looked at the beautiful creature between us on a flower.
"Wow." Soda awed at it.
It flew up from the flower and hovered over the both of us, gracefully flapping its perfectly designed wings. Soda stuck out his finger and the butterfly landed on it.
We both giggled and didn't take out eyes off it. I leaned closer to Soda and was about to touch the butterfly when it flew away. We watched it disappear far away and into the trees.
We both sighed and looked up at the crystal blue sky as we lay down on the grass at the park. The park was our favorite place to meet, sure there was his house and other places, but we just feel comfort at the park, especially the grass.
"Hey, Soda?" I asked him as I rested my head on my arm.
"What do ya wanna be when you're older? Like middle school, high school, college, jobs..."
Soda sat up off the ground and looked at the sky with thought.
We were both graduating from elementary school in a few days. I was excited but a little afraid, I didn't know how Soda felt though.
"I don't really know." Soda shrugged, "I already don't like doin' homework and stuff in class. I know from Darry that middle school and high school is tougher...I'm scared."
Soda's bright and happy face faded into nervousness and worry.
"Oh, Soda." I said to him with sympathy, "You're going to be just fine, you're a smart person."
"No I'm not." He denied, scooting away a bit.
"Yes you are." I said as I scooted too.
I put my arm around him and patted his back, we were really close friends so it was normal for us to hug each other and what not.
"You're smart, Soda." I said softly, "You know more about cars than anyone here and you're just a boy. You even helped your dad fix the car with barely any effort. If that isn't smart, I don't know what is."
He sheepishly chuckled and scratched the back of his head.
"I guess you're right." He sighed, "Thank you, Y/N. You're a great friend, you're always there for me. To pay ya back, I'll always be there for you."
I slightly blushed and smiled.
"No problem...and thanks." I responded, quietly.
I guess it was that moment I started feeling something for Soda. I just didn't know what it was.
"Don't tell no one but..." Soda whispered with a smirk as he leaned a bit closer, "You're a better friend than Steve."
I burst out laughing and pretended to seal my lips shut.
"I'll graduate from middle school, then high school, and college, no sweat!" Soda shouted while throwing his arms up in the air.
"That's the spirit!" I cheered with him.
He stood up with determination and positivity.
"I can do it!" He announced, "You'll see, and you'll graduate with me. We can do this together! And we'll always help each other and be there for each other!"
"Promise?" I asked as I stuck out my pinkie.
"Promise!" He grinned as we pinkie swore, "You wanna come to my house and have chocolate cake?"
"Sure!" I agreed.
We both walked together to his house. We glanced at each other mischievously, thinking the exact same thing.
We both took off running, laughing and racing each other to his house.

Smile: Sodapop x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now