Part 69...(ah-ha ha..)

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 You held onto Bakugou tightly as he then cupped your cheeks and looked at you straight in the eyes. You cleaned off your tears from your face as you noticed that Bakugou had the softest facial expression to ever have. It broke you as his eyes were glossy almost doll-like as he caressed your cheeks with both of his thumbs. "It's going to be alright honey. I may not know what to do but I know we'll get through this okay?" Bakugou said as he gave you many kisses afterward. 

You couldn't help but pout as his words affected you deeply. But then you heard again that voice again that sounds exactly like Bakugou. "Teddy Bear...Can you hear me..?" The voice said as you froze in place trying to calm yourself. It couldn't be the Bakugou who was trying to make you feel better since he was giving you kisses. Your breaths became shorter as you couldn't calm down and Bakugou noticed this as a single tear rolled down his face. He genuinely didn't know what to do.

You immediately shook your head as you snapped out of it and looked at Bakugou. You saw the tear roll down his face as he just looked at you. "I'm sorry Bakugou, maybe I'm just hearing things or I'm tired as hell." You said as Bakugou took a deep breath and just hugged you. "Don't blame yourself and I agree with you. Let's get some sleep Teddy Bear." Bakugou said as he let you go and got off the bed. You nodded your head as you then got off the bed as well.

Bakugou then grabbed your hand as he squeezed it gently. "Do you still want to take the picture or..?" Bakugou asked you as chuckled. "Of course I do, you look so adorable." you said as you grabbed his tail. "I'll let that pass just this once, but do it again and I'll be pissed." Bakugou said as he took a deep breath. You shrugged it off as you grabbed his tail once more. "Y/N! WHY!?" Bakugou screamed as he grabbed his tail and took it away from you.

"IT'S ADORABLE! BAKUGOU IF YOU EVER THROW AWAY THAT CUTE ASS ONESIE..I-I'LL BE MAD AT YOU DAMN IT. WHY DO YOU LOOK SO FUCKING CUTE!" You screamed as he did look adorable and you had to get it off your chest. "I'M NOT FUCKING CUTE! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU! IDIO-." Bakugou was cut off as you threw him the plushie cookie. "Yeah what now Bakuhoe? Shut the fuck up and accept the damn compliment!" You said while you glared at him.

Bakugou took a deep breath as he began to rub his eyes as he was in disbelief that you had the audacity to throw him a plush cookie that belonged to your onesie. Bakugou leaned down and reached for the cookie that was next to his foot. "Can you give that back? It's pretty soft, softer than your spiky ass hair.." You chuckled as your eyes widened as the cookie exploded in his hand. "BAKUGOU! WHY!" You screamed as the guts of the innocent cookie was all over the floor.

You fell to the floor as you picked up the pieces that were on the ground. "No...d-don't worry little cookie I'm here for you...hang on tight." You said as Bakugou rolled his eyes and picked up the pieces on the floor and took away the pieces that were in your hand. He then scanned the room as he spotted a trashcan. He threw away the remaining pieces as he then walked towards you who was on the ground. He rolled his eyes and grabbed your wrists as he began to drag you.

"I'll buy you a bigger cookie, now get your flat ass off the floor." Bakugou said as your jaw dropped to the gah damn floor. "Take that shit back Idiot!" you said as he stopped in place and turned to you. "Come on, get up. You're a little heavy." Bakugou ignored your response as you rolled your eyes. "I bet Midoriya wouldn't say that since he'd probably be able to carry me out the room. Actually probably Kirishima as well." You said as you then felt your body start moving up in the air.

Your arm was going up in the air as you just blankly looked at the floor. "What the fuck did you just say Dumbass? I know you didn't just mention that broccoli looking ass hair's name. You also had the damn audacity to mention Kirishima. .." Bakugou said as he now grabbed your other arm and made you stand up and pushed you against the wall as his right hand was on your neck wrapped nicely as a necklace.

"Ooh...a little kinky...I mean I don't mind it but I-." You got cut off as his hand began to choke you slightly. Bakugou eyes were a dark red, it was a little scary but hot at the same time. You wondered if you were supposed to be turned on or scared. Bakugou looked at you up and down at your onesie. "Do you still think that damn Deku can carry you?" Bakugou asked as you chuckled and nodded your head. Bakugou began to choke you as you gasped for air.

"You're such a fucking brat." Bakugou said as he gently let go of your neck as you coughed and you then smiled at him. "We should definitely do this again." You said laughed as he immediately got flustered but was expecting that response from you by the way you looked at him. "WHY ARE YOU SUCH A HORNY SPAZ BALL!" Bakugou screamed as you immediately cracked up and then it hit you. Everyone else could have heard Bakugou. You immediately felt embarrassed.

Bakugou was about to say more but you jumped on him as you both landed on the floor as you were on top of him as Bakugou just had his eyes wide open as you covered his mouth. "Shut the fuck up. Not everyone is supposed to know idiot, my goodness." You said as you realized Bakugou's face soften at the touch of hands covering his mouth, he was lowkey digging it. You immediately got more embarrassed as his facial expression was way too attractive for its own good.

His eyes were now a darker red as they were full of lust as he looked deep into your soul, you got chills going through your whole body. "M-My bad...I didn't mean t-." You were cut off as Bakuou's both hands wrapped around your wrist. He removed your hand from his mouth as he then immediately flipped you over gently as your back was now touching the floor. Bakugou looked at you as he was examining your facial features. 

He was admiring your nose, lips, and mostly your beautiful eyes that made him feel butterflies. You just stared into his deep reed eyes that were full of lust. "You're so beautiful..." Bakugou said as he leaned in for a kiss. You closed your eyes as you both closed your eyes and shared a steamy kiss. In between kisses, Bakugou kept on telling you how attractive you were to him and cussed every chance he had. Bakugou broke the kiss as there was a string of saliva coming from both of you.

"Why did you stop...?" You said as Bakugou left you hanging. Bakugou scoffed as he then said cockily "Well someone said I'm punished so sadly I had to stop also I have the decency to not do it in a room that belongs to your beloved friend. Even I have manners Teddy Bear..." Bakugou said as you immediately got embarrassed as he was completely right. You covered your face as he just chuckled and stood up from the ground. 

"Come on Dumbass, we need to go take pictures."Bakugou said as he extended his arm out for you to grab on. His hand was waiting for you to grab it as you slapped it away from you. "You're an actual tease." You said as you stood up from the floor as Bakugou had a small smirk on his face. He was truly enjoying the fact that you were a hot mess. He scoffed as he then walked towards the door and got out as you shook your head and followed him outside the room. 

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