Stay With Me

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Sasuke woke up only to see a mess of blonde hair tickling his chin. He noticed his arm was clutching the blonde's back tightly. The blonde's face was buried in his clothed chest, he was taking deep and almost ragged breaths and his eyes were squinting. His tan hand was clutching Sasuke's back, maybe he was having a nightmare.

Sasuke rubbed his eyes and lightly shook the blonde, awakening him from his dream. Naruto looked up to Sasuke, the raven saw tears streaming down his whiskered cheeks. "What's wrong?" He softly asked. Naruto wanted to crumble, his feelings were overwhelming him.

He just wanted Sasuke to love him back. To assure him he'd be safe. It just broke him so much to see him happy with someone else. He hated it though, he hated himself for it, he thought about how sick, selfish and fucked up he was being. He mentally chuckled with sarcasm. 'The more I love him, the more it hurts.'

He was so heartbroken. He opened his lips to speak but no words came out. There was a knot it his throat. He started breathing harshly as the ideas of those two flooded to him. Sasuke rubbed his fingers on Naruto's face, the act made the tears fall. Sasuke didn't know what to do other that embrace him. His heart broke to see the one he cherished cry.

"It'll be okay." He assured the crying blonde. He hated himself for crying in front of Sasuke, for "bothering" him with his problems. "S-Sorry" he hiccuped. He didn't want to leave the raven's warm embrace. He wanted to spend an eternity being hugged by Sasuke. He sniffed and hiccuped as he felt the world was ending. He was falling into a black hole, no way to ever get out.

"It's okay, just sleep." Naruto tried to pull away but Sasuke only held him tighter. Naruto cried and sobbed. He hiccuped and his eyelashes were wet with tears. His ragged breaths slowly became small, deep ones. Sasuke internally panicked.

He didn't know what was going on. The day before he seemed fine. What happened for the blonde to break? He only rested his chin on the blonde's messy yellow hair. He held his hand to show him comfort, even in his sleeping state.

After some time he got up and placed the blanket over Naruto's shoulders and decided to clean up the house. He wiped his forehead with his gloved hand and huffed in accomplishment. The house wasn't as a mess anymore, the floors were sparkling clean and the furniture didn't have ramen cups and other junk on them.

He walked over to the sleeping blonde to check on him. He looked at the blonde's beautiful features. He placed his hand on the tan cheek and rubbed his thumb on his smooth skin. "Best that all we're going to be?" He said under his breath. Naruto was his best friend, he trusted him with his life, an now he was going to get with Hinata.

There were rumors that he and Hinata were dating, or at least in love with each other. And it was obvious Hinata liked Naruto. 'I want to be with you..always. But I guess that'll mean just being friends. I want to love you, to wake up to your lovely face every morning, to kiss you and make love-'

He found himself staring at the now-awake blonde. His nose was touching his. His blue eyes were looking into the black ones. Slowly a pink tint covered their faces as they stared at eachother. "S-Sasuke!" the blond yelped and quickly sat up. "Hey, you okay?" He asked worriedly.

Naruto looked down and sat on his legs, "Uh well.. it's no big deal." He scratched the back of his neck. Sasuke frowned. "You were crying!" He threw his hands in the air angrily. He stared at him, awaiting some answers.

"It's pathetic really.." he sighed. "It's just.." he took deep breaths, tears started swelling up in his eyes. Sasuke gave him a gentle hug, "You don't have to tell me if it hurts you this much.." he mumbled. "I-I.." Naruto took a deep, ragged breath. 'I love you' "I don't want to be alone..a-again.." he hiccuped. Tears streamed down his whiskered cheeks as he sobbed. His hands became fists and he shut his eyes. His buried his face into Sasuke's black jacket and breathed in his scent.

"I won't leave again. I won't leave you again." He said. 'You'll forget about'll go away. This is what happens when you grow up, yet I'm still a crybaby.' He sobbed and hiccuped and wailed and hugged his raven crush. 'I finally have you back, but you're going to leave again, she didn't help at all. It was me. It was me! Stay with me!'

"I-I'm sorry, I-I c-cry s-so much.." he whispered. Sasuke pulled away and touched blonde's lips. Then something unexpected happened..

He kissed the blonde.

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