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Rogers walked into the interview room where the perp was being held. He stood opposite him and showed him the symbol, "You recognise that?" Rogers asked.

"Yeah, ain't it the Seattle Mainers logo? You hit like a girl," The criminal said.

Rogers exhaled heavily and took the seat across from the perp, "That notebook is evidence from a missing-persons case, a girl that disappeared ten years ago... Eloise Gardener, sound familiar?" Roger's asked.

"I was serving a sentence down in Stafford Creek then," The perp said.

"Is that so?" Rogers asked.

"Yeah, it's where I go the tattoo. Cellmate told me it wards off evil," The perp said.

"You're a terrible liar," Rogers said looking at him.

"Bad things happen inside, you take whatever protection you can get. Check my record," The perp said, Rogers grabbed the journal and walked to the door, "H-Hang on, I help you and you're leaving me in the box?"

Rogers turned to him, "Mr Coachman from the club didn't want to press charges. Said it's more hassle than it's worth. You'll be out in 10," Rogers told him.

"Hey, slugger? That's one powerful rune. If your lost girl was drawin' that, I'd hate to meet whatever evil she was facing down," The perp said.

Rogers walked out of the interview room and shut the door behind him.


Later that day, Sofia sat in her office in the newspaper building, she walked to her assistant holding papers, "Hey, can you get this down to print, make sure that Lairs is before Morns, please... Just the order they came in, please Jess," Sofia said.

"Sure thing," Jess said and took them, making a note.

Rogers walked into the room, "Sof," He said, Sofia looked at him and walked away back into her office, "Hey!" He followed after her, Sofia shut the door, but he opened it and walked inside, shutting it.

"What do you want?" Sofia asked and sat behind her desk not looking at him.

"You're right," Rogers said.

"I usually am," Sofia said.

Rogers walked to her and turned her chair, so she was looking at him, "Would you stop being... You for a few moments?" He asked, "You're right, I keep going backwards, it's been 10 years but I need to find her," Rogers said and Sofia opened her mouth to speak, "No," Rogers covered her mouth, "I'm talking... Please, you have to understand, this is 10 years, and I find something that matches to her. It's going to be the only thing that's gonna be on my mind."

Sofia looked away, "Sof, look at me, please," Rogers said and she looked at him, "I am sorry."

Sofia closed her eyes, "I...I know," She whispered and Rogers rested his forehead against hers, "I know it's something you have to do."

The door to her office opened and Sabine walked in, "Oh, sorry," Sabine smiled as Rogers stood up, "The desk sergeant said you'd be be here Detective," Sabine said and held up a bag of beignets to him.

"Those for me?" Rogers asked.

"Mhm, as a thank you. The last of the beignets for you and your buddies and wife. She wanted to thank you for helping me and Jacinda get a food truck," Sabine said.

"A food truck?" Sofia asked, "I heard about Clucks, sorry Sabine."

"No problem, it was part of this month's impound auction. It was, uh, confiscated in a drug sting. You should probably make sure that you clean it pretty thoroughly bleach, right high heat," Rogers said.

Ending is the Beginning [OUAT | Two Saviour Series #7 | Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now