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Hi I am the author(She/Her).

Please support me as it's my first ever time writing a fanfiction.

Please inform me of any errors and typos. I got all the pictures from Pinterest so credi to the actual owners.

Also most dialogues of this story were written back in late 2017, so they seem a bit off. Also personally to me this writing style is a bit weird but I didn't know how to deliver the story otherwise.

Please remember none of this stuff ever happened in real life and its all a fantasy I made up myself.

Some characters are evil and many have different personalities than the real life people their names are referring to. The only character whose personality I tried keeping as close as to the namesake's is probably Felix's. BUT IT AIN'T COMPLETELY THE ACTUALLY PERSONALITY

In conclusion, I am only using the names of idols for the story I am delivering and thus their personalities in this story mustn't be mistaken as their real life personalities.

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Luv ya!😘

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