9:: The Playboy's love and the lover's quarrel

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The next day, Felix and Mirae woke up and got ready for the day.

Felix had promised to spend the day with Mirae to make up for not giving her enough attention for the past week.

At about noon, they were ready to head out until Hyunjin stopped them.

"Guys do you mind if I come with you? I promise I would leave you alone once we get to the mall."

"Umm..." Mirae looked at Felix for confirmation.

"Sure Hyunjin!" Felix replied and soon they were all in the car with Felix driving, Mirae beside him and Hyunjin in the back.

"Let's go to XXX Mall! I've heard alot about it from Denise!!"

"No! I will never set a foot in that witch's nest!!!" Poor Mirae flinched when Hyunjin raised his voice.

She looked at Felix, confused. "I'll explain later" was all that he mouthed.

After Hyunjin left the couple alone, Mirae asked about Hyunjin's behaviour earlier.

"It's Mina's birthday soon. She used to be Hyunjin's best friend and like a little sister to Nina's mother. And that mall was

where Mina killed Nina's mother."

Hyunjin's POV:

After I said goodbye to Felix and Mirae, I went toward a shop for men's suits. 

As I did, I passed by a couple walking by. The girl wore a light and simple dress with flower patterns . Slowly my thoughts drifted to Mina.

I turned around and saw her running towards me with her floral dress flowing with the wind.

But when she reached me and I extend my hand towards her, everything disappeared.

All I saw was Minho Hyung crying on a grave with a baby girl in my arms. Everyone wore black and despite it being a beautiful sunny day, to those people it was probably the darkest of their days.

The scene shifted again. This time I saw myself sitting on a table staring at a letter. After a while, I opened it. And a simple sentence welcomed me.

"I am sorry."

'snap out of it Hyunjin!' I scolded myself.


After about 3 hours, I met up with Felix and Mirae again.

"Hey Mirae. I am sorry. I shouldn't have shouted like I did earlier."

"It's ok Oppa. Lixxie told me about it. I am sorry if I said something that may have hurt you."

"Here." I smiled at her while presenting her a gift bag.

"Umm... What's this?"

"Open it and you'll find out!"

She messily removed all the papers and confetti from the bag until she reached the dress.

"It's so pretty Oppa!! Thank you." She gave me her most genuine smile and her eyes shone with tears.

"Why is it red, tho? I don't think it'll suit you Mirae."

"Excuse me! What do you mean red won't suit me?!"

"I mean you look better in pastel colours or like simple black. Don't you think red it a risky colour??" Felix said

"So according to you, I'll look bad in red and the only dark colours that suits me is black???! Well if you are going there then I would like to say that I also hated that orange tie you wore to work late week!!"

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