🤖Chapter 29.🤖

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If you have read this story of mine before you already knew this thing have a smut part but I removed it.😃👈 And changed it a bit lol.

Sana's POV

"Mission Complete..Master"

"Good job Sana ah...now all you have to do is get out of there quickly..."

"Yes master."

I hung up the phone and went to Dr Kim's car and drove back to my Master's House...

A couple of minutes later I came back to tzuyu's house, "I'm so proud of you baby" She said to me then kissed my cheeks.

3 hours ago. (No one's POV)

Sana kept complaining and complaining of how she doesn't want to be back at Dr Kim but Tzuyu kept ignoring her until she had enough.

"You know what come here." They went in Tzuyu's "secret room". Tzuyu suddenly pulls out a tiny camera where you could barely see it and puts it on Sana's chest. Might sound inappropriate but that's the only place where Dr Kim will not see the camera.

Tzuyu also pulls out a little locator so that she can locate where Dr Kim is going to take Sana.

After everything was in placed the last thing Tzuyu gave was a pocket knife and whispered at her ear "If Dr Kim ever threatened or touch you, you better make sure you stabbed the shit out of that guy...you understand?"

"Yes master..."


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