🎭Chapter 32🎭

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Tzuyu's POV

While walking up the stairs I called one of my friends, Son Chaeyoung. I heard she also bought a robot at the same company and site where I got Sana from.

I started calling her but instead of hearing her voice a lighter and more quieter voice answered the phone.

"Hello?....who is this?.." She said after sniffing and she's also hiccupping. Is she crying?

"Hi I'm Tzuyu, I'm chaeyoung's friend could you kindly past it to her?" I said with a sweet voice expecting her to calm down a bit since she's still having some trouble breathing. But instead I heard her cry some more on the other line.


"Why are you crying? Could you please tell me where Chaeyoung is? I need to talked to her" I said with more calm and gentle voice, her crying stopped a bit but she's still having a hard time breathing. She did managed to say a sentence.

cuffs...red a-and blue lights..." When she said "police" and "cuffs" I already knew Chaeyoung was already caught by the police.


"Thank you...uh.."


"Thank you Mina for saying some information" I said then run upstairs to wake Sana up. Damn I shouldn't have been rough to her. Shit, I don't even know if she can walk. I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF SHE CAN STAND UP.

"Sana..Wake up..we have to escape" I said while shaking her up.

Her breast wiggle through the air, damn I'm getting har-


She eventually woke up and I have to carry her and get her dressed since she's still naked.

Luckily, she can still walk thanks to the steel that helped her since she's still a "Robot".

Since the police said that my house is covered by them I eventually examined the place by the window and saw that our backyard is cleaned. But to get there is to get out of the front door....the thing is we can't go through the front door since all of them are right there.

Second plan to get to the back yard is by the terrace. But it's a pretty far jump...it's like 7 blocks high..

I mean it's not that high for me since I'm literally a giant but can Sana jumped this high?..

"Can you jumped?" I asked while shaking her.

"What do you mean can I jumped of course I ca-"

"Can you jumped this high?" I said whisper yelling and pointing at the backyard while looking down by our terrace.

"I- I could try I guess...."

"Do you trust me?"


"I said. DO. YOU. TRUST. ME?!"


On a count of three, we both jumped together and ran the fuck out of there. We both inside of my car and drove to Chaeyoung's house.

To not make it suspicious that we ran away I record Sana screaming her lungs out.

Don't ask where I got it...

Anyways so that thing will play in a couple of seconds by now. And when that thing finally blast through the house the police officers will come upstairs to check what is happening and by the time they check where are we, we are already at Chaeyoung's house.

I mean not gonna lie the officers are dumb enough to trust me to take Sana to them. Lol.

Driving fast and literally breaking every traffic rules. Luckily there's no traffic enforcer. We got to Chaeyoung's house in 10 minutes.

Knock knock.

After a couple of minutes a fragile looking woman opened the door. She looked she just had a meltdown. Anyways so she let us in and she told us what happened and I kinda feel bad for her..she loss her master and no one to take care of her...poor girl who will charged you now?...

Oh wai-

"Are you human too?"

"Yes...I was a "robot" made by the collab of Dr Min and Dr Kim..

"Master Tzuyu, I have to tell you something. When I went to Dr Kim's laboratory there's this new robot which is not human. He said that robot will ruined our lives.."

"Did he also kidnapped you?..." Mina asked

"Not technically kidnapped. But he still got me"

"O-oh okay...he once kidnapped me but I stabbed him...and ran away.."

"Same..and now that we are here...Dr Kim should practically pray for his life right now.."

"It's 3 against 1"

Authors note.

- Okay okay I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday, it's just I'm so busy that I literally forgot so here's a much more longer chapter to make y'all better also to make this up to you Loli's!🍭✨

- Okay okay I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday, it's just I'm so busy that I literally forgot so here's a much more longer chapter to make y'all better also to make this up to you Loli's!🍭✨

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