🤖Chapter 35.🤖

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Tzuyu's POV.

Everyone was ready we got our guns ready, our knives and our acting skills of course. After we got everything ready we eventually got in my car and drove to the police station.

I walked in front of the office and said.

"Hi, were going to visit Son Chaeyoung please." He made some calls and eventually I saw Chaeyoung coming out of her cell.

I said a quiet thank you to the officer and we walked towards Chaeyoung.

"Where's my gift?"

Wow..so eager..don't worry honey it's not even starting yet..

"Just wait for it my friend it will eventually come soon"

We talked for about 30 minutes until the officer came walking towards us and said that visiting time is almost over and we should get ready to get out.

And that's when we knew it's the most perfect timing to give Chaeyoung her little gift.

I called Mina through the earpiece and said, "You get Chaeyoung, while we distract the officers". She nodded and got on her position while I told Sana to seduce the officers since Chaeyoung told me earlier that the officers here are oblivious and dumb af.

I walked in front of the police door and ready to head out not until..

I faked passing out, a loud sound echoed through the whole building polices came running towards me and that's when I quietly whispered on my ear piece.


I saw Mina walking out the building in the corner of my eye with Chaeyoung and Sana was still distracted seducing the officer. When I saw that Mina had put Chaeyoung inside the car, I quickly got up my position, the officers looked at me like I was possessed while I stared at them back. Them being loss on my eyes I slowly got my gun ready and shot each one of them.





Looking at the monstrosity I've created I looked back at Sana and saw that she stabbed the officer at the heart. To make the scene much better I walked towards the telephone dialed some numbers and waited till someone answers.

"Hello this is the police department how may we help you?"

"I just killed the whole police department, can you helped us?...."


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