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Dedicated to BennyKurtis because he gave me the username I am currently using.


"Hey boy" I said in a baby's voice while scratching behind his ears.

Odie was actually my Moms dog and she absolutely adored him when she was alive.

Sometimes I even felt that dad got jealous of the love and affection that she showered on Odie.

According to what Mom said she found him in a little bush near the house, he was weak, dehydrated and his fur was matted and unruly unlike now that his a little bit chubby and big and his fur is so soft and clean.

Odie was an extremely cute and beautiful dog with his shiny and soft black fur.

After ruffling Odies fur and playing with him for a while, I made my way out of the house passing by Janet who was sat on a mat practicing yoga on the courtyard.



I put on my cap and use my hood to cover the cap before putting on my sunglasses, I adjust my cap again before stepping out of the brand new latest bougatti model I had gotten on my birthday which happened to be last month and was the third time I had used it since I got it.

I was very particular on not revealing my face in public even though I was not a celebrity, I at least was a public figure after all being a Jamieson and also shared the same face with 4 celebrities:

Jade who was the first to be brought out of our moms womb since we were delivered using a Caesarean section.

Jade is a model so her face is quite popular as its always seen plastered on magazines and the internet while the second Janet, is a dancer whom specializes in ballet and has won a few awards for her dancing skills and is also quite popular.

Jess, the third born is a model in a different company from Jade, she has repeatedly refuse to join our family entertainment industry and rather models for an emo clothing line, she is the least successful at of all of my sisters.

Jamie is the last born and is also the baby of the house, she is an accomplished and popular actress and singer, she's an R&B singer and sings
She was even nominated for the Grammys but unfortunately didn't win. Jamie's actually the most accomplished of us sisters even though being the youngest but she also has the worst personality while the bitchiest is Jess.

And there's me, a photographer, all of of my siblings stand in front of the camera while I stay behind it, I stay behind the camera not because I'm camera shy but rather because I love photography, I love taking pictures, whenever I do, it always just seems and feels right.

I shake my head vigorously to clear my thoughts before taking a step forward, the scenery was just as perfect and as beautiful as it had been when I saw it in on the internet beforehand.

The scenery that was before me was exactly what I had in mind when I was informed about the shoot, it was exactly what I had pictured for the shoot and now even looked more fitting and beautiful in real life.

Even though I am a freelance photographer I occasionally, more like rarely since this is the 2nd time that I am doing this, the first was the when I saw the details of a shoot when it was sent to my dad, the shoot actually had a wedding theme and was actually to advertise the ring.

The company that produced the ring was actually a new one and the ring was quite beautiful but what had me with it was the poses and the colour scheme used.

I take photos of celebrities that are signed under our family company JEI,
which is an acronym for Jena Entertainment Inc which is named after my mom, it was formerly called Worldwide Entertainment Industries but was changed shortly after my mom's death.

JEI is one of my Dad companies which focuses on most aspects of entertainment. They train and debut Models, Musicians, Actors, Actresses and Comedians.

Today I was to take a shot of a model named Kiki Jamel, she was a model who had debuted last 2 years and was quite popular, the theme for the shoot today was natural contemporary and we had decided to use a park as the background of the shoot.

The Park was actually a private park and we had paid a tons of money to be able to use it, I had previously seen it on the internet and had immediately thought of it when I had seen the details of the shoot.


The shoot had been concluded an hour ago even after the equipments had been packed up, I had decided to stay back since we still had an hour time for the premises to be vacated.

I had stayed behind mostly to comfortably admire the scenery, this was my first time in such a park, not being in a private nor public park but with a park with a unique kind of design.

It was quite different from most parks, the scenery was also quite beautiful and I had to admit it was actually quite nicer to look at.

I walked around the park after sitting on a bench situated close to the exit for a while now, taking pictures of things that made my hand itch as I walked along.

I was just about to click on the shutter button when I felt myself falling and before I could even realize what was happening it was already too late.

I had already fallen...not on the floor, but in the water, a pond to be exact, the pond was a small one.

The pond was an artificial area filled with water, it was quite smaller than a lake and there was green short grasses with some beautiful flowers that were around the pond.

I felt myself going under water rapidly and I couldn't help but curse myself for not taking swimming classes.

Our parents organized it for us sisters but I never actually attended because that was the period that I got my first camera, it was quite small and not to big but till date it had been one of my favorite cameras I had ever used, maybe because of the sentimental feelings I had for it....maybe not.

I feel myself falling deeper and deeper as the water encompasses me, I feel myself getting weaker and weaker, my limbs getting tired and my body gradually losing its strength, just as I am about to stop struggling and let myself become one with the water.

Hands grab me from behind and the last thing I remember is when I briefly opened my eyes and was met with  a pair of grey stormy eyes and the feel of my body being lifted up before I finally fell into an abyss of darkness.


Hello lovelies.

I hope you all are doing well.

I just changed the name from The Jamiesons to The Billionaires Photographer, kind of cliche I know but I like it.

What do you think?


Hip-hop or country music?

Me: Both!!!!!!!!

The Billionaires PhotographerWhere stories live. Discover now