Chapter 22

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(Episode 36 and 37)


There was a bright kingdom and in front of the castle, there is a man and a boy. The boy was Lucky and the man is Lucky's father.

"Lucky, no matter how hard it gets... You'll find a way into the future. Those times when it hurts... is when you most need to believe in your own fortune.", he explained to him.

Young Lucky nodded, then fast forward, inside the castle, there is fire everywhere and Lucky's cries echoed inside.


"Dad?!", Lucky shouted as he breaths heavily and jumped as Garu was near him, "Garu?!", he asked in surprise.

"What's eating you, Lucky?", Garu asked concerningly, Lucky calmed down and told him, "I had a dream about my dad..."

"Your old man, huh? What's he like?", Garu asked, "Well... we got separated when I was really young, so I don't really remember much.", Lucky said.

"I see... It'd be nice to meet him. Anyways, everyone's waiting on the bridge.", Garu told Lucky, who nodded and stood up.

Lucky and Garu arrived at the base and the team watch the defeat of Don Armage.

"We defeated the Don Armage that was attached to Hoshi Minato... But it was so simple. Too simple.", Tsurugi explained.

"He said something weird during the fight, too. 'Even if you defeat me, you will never be able to take my life!'", Lucky remembered.

"Then what we've been defeating... were just copies of Don Armage this entire time?", Stinger asked, "Even then... that would mean a main body exists somewhere.", Naga said.

"Yeah.", they agreed, "We're headed to the Crux System's planet Southern Cross to find out for sure.", Lucky planned.

"There is also something he said, 'You know... you little friend will be a perfect experiment for him.' What does he mean?", Tsurugi asked.

Stinger and Tenshi looked at each other, Naga looked at them and said, "Akyanba also mentioned that he'll turn him into a killing machine..."

The team were thinking, "Is it Champ?", Kotaro asked, "No. I think is someone else...", Champ trailed off as he looked at Stinger.

The team feel the tension rising, Raptor cuts the tension by reporting, "Everyone, I have some good news.", and share screens a video.

"Hello. I'm Hoshi Minato. I was saved... by the Kyurangers! We have legendary saviors on our side! Everyone, it's time to rise up!", he announced.

The crowd in the screen cheered as Minati is done with his speech, "Here we go! I love you, Minati!", Hammie fangirled.

Shou Ronpo said, "For someone as popular as him to put out the call, there will be uprisings against Jark Matter across the entire universe!"

Then, there was an alarm, "A distress signal?", Naga said, "The signal is coming from the Leo Minor System, Planet Luth.", Raptor reported.

"Who's crying like that?", Champ said, Lucky realized that cry, "Caesar!", he cried and Spada asked, "Come to think of it, Planet Luth is where you're from, right, Lucky?"

"Heck, this is big trouble, then! We gotta go help!", Garu exclaimed, Shou Ronpo took the Kyulette and said, "Alright, Lucky... take a team with you to Planet Luth."

He rolled the Kyulette, "Choose a Kyu Kyu Globe!", he said as the Kyulette pop out six of them. Lucky, Stinger, Garu, Champ, Hammie and Spada were chosen.

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